This book was written with the assumption that the reader is
already moderately familiar with either Russian or Ukrainian.
Little explanation is given of noun gender and cases, or verb
aspect and tenses. The reader should consult either a Russian or
Ukrainian grammar for more details on these principles. In this
book are described those parts of Belarusian grammar that
from Russian or Ukrainian.
There is great variation in the Belarusian language from region to region, and
any attempt to make an authoritative description of the Belarusian language will be
plagued by this fact. The author strived to make this work as consistent as possible with
the standard Belarusian used in most literature. To this end, he has set forth the most
common declensions, conjugations, and vocabulary.
from Russian or Ukrainian.
There is great variation in the Belarusian language from region to region, and
any attempt to make an authoritative description of the Belarusian language will be
plagued by this fact. The author strived to make this work as consistent as possible with
the standard Belarusian used in most literature. To this end, he has set forth the most
common declensions, conjugations, and vocabulary.