Chaim Perelman andLucie Olbrechts- Tyteca 's New Rhetoric Project
(NRP) helped revive the study of rhetoric in the twentieth century.
Although some believe their work is largely a reiteration of
Aristotle's rhetoric and that Perelman owes a significant debt to
Aristotle, I present evidence in this paper that Perelman was quite
critical of the Weste tradition of philosophy and of Aristotle's
logic and rhetoric. Perelman tued to Jewish thinking and Talmudic
argumentation as a countermodel. Jewish metaphysics, ontology,
epistemology, and argument are the central touchstones of the
Keywords: Perelman, Judaism, Talmudic argumentation, Aristotle, rheto
Keywords: Perelman, Judaism, Talmudic argumentation, Aristotle, rheto