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  • добавлен 10 ноября 2011 г.
Tomlinson Barbara. Feminism and Affect at the Scene of Argument
Beyond the Trope of an Angry Feminist.
Феминизм и аффект (эмоции) на сцене спора. Что стоит за тропом сердитой феминистки.
Temple University Press, Филадельфия, 2010. Язык: английский. 289 стр.
- Transforming the Terms of Reading: Ideologies of Argument and the Trope of the Angry Feminist
- Ideologies of Style: Discursive Policing and Feminist Intersectional Argument
- Anger: Grammars of Aff ect and Authority
- Tough Babies, or Anger in the Superior Position
- Faux Feminism and the Rhetoric of Betrayal
- Intensification and the Discourse of Decline
- Ridicule: Phallic Fables and Spermatic Romance
- The Labor of Argument and Feminist Futures
- Notes
- References
- Index
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