A Self-instructional Course.
Fabiola Franco.
Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies.
Macalester College.
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Karl C. Sandberg.
DeWitt Wallace Professor Emeritus of French and Humanities.
Macalester College.
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
We have made use of new developments in programmed leaing to provide.
you with the most systematic and direct means for leaing to read.
Spanish on your own. The programmed format of Spanish for Reading presupposes.
no previous acquaintance with Spanish and thus can be used either.
by individuals working on their own or as an adjunct to a classroom text.
What You May Expect from This Course.
When you finish Spanish for Reading, you should be able to recognize the.
meanings signaled by all the basic grammatical pattes of Spanish, plus.
the meanings of about 2,000 content words. You will also have developed.
numerous techniques of reading in a foreign language that will enable you.
to lea new vocabulary and derive meanings from context without.
depending totally on a dictionary. With some additional work to build.
vocabulary in special fields, you will be able to start using Spanish as an academic.
or professional tool, or simply to read for your own pleasure. You.
should be able, for example, to read a Spanish newspaper or joual with.
good comprehension or to begin the serious study of Spanish literary texts.
What You Should Do.
The above results are predictable on the basis of classroom testing and.
depend on your fulfilling the following conditions:
1. That you spend the 80 to 120 hours of study time that it has taken other.
students to complete the course.
2. That you study and review consistently.
3. That you familiarize yourself with the theoretical base of the book and.
follow the instructions.
Fabiola Franco.
Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies.
Macalester College.
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Karl C. Sandberg.
DeWitt Wallace Professor Emeritus of French and Humanities.
Macalester College.
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
We have made use of new developments in programmed leaing to provide.
you with the most systematic and direct means for leaing to read.
Spanish on your own. The programmed format of Spanish for Reading presupposes.
no previous acquaintance with Spanish and thus can be used either.
by individuals working on their own or as an adjunct to a classroom text.
What You May Expect from This Course.
When you finish Spanish for Reading, you should be able to recognize the.
meanings signaled by all the basic grammatical pattes of Spanish, plus.
the meanings of about 2,000 content words. You will also have developed.
numerous techniques of reading in a foreign language that will enable you.
to lea new vocabulary and derive meanings from context without.
depending totally on a dictionary. With some additional work to build.
vocabulary in special fields, you will be able to start using Spanish as an academic.
or professional tool, or simply to read for your own pleasure. You.
should be able, for example, to read a Spanish newspaper or joual with.
good comprehension or to begin the serious study of Spanish literary texts.
What You Should Do.
The above results are predictable on the basis of classroom testing and.
depend on your fulfilling the following conditions:
1. That you spend the 80 to 120 hours of study time that it has taken other.
students to complete the course.
2. That you study and review consistently.
3. That you familiarize yourself with the theoretical base of the book and.
follow the instructions.