23 стр.
(Автор и выходные данные не указаны). Ответы на 30 вопросов. Фонетика, теория перевода, грамматика, стилистика, история английского языка, современная литература англоязычных стран и т. д. The notions of cultural key words, concept, icons.
Interconnection of language and culture as a main problem of Country-study: linguistic aspect.
Use of the form Great Britain, its nomenclature.
The semantic principle of classification of Nouns in English.
The Subjunctive Mood in English.
The grammatical categories of the Noun.
The grammatical categories of the Adjective.
The classification of sentences according to their structure.
The classification of sentences according to the purpose of communication.
Two main types of meaning.
The classification of synonyms in English.
The classification of homonyms in English.
The productive ways of coining new words in English.
The translation equivalents and types of context.
The translation transformations and their types.
The unit of translation.
The translation of equivalents backing units.
The groups of stylistically marked vocabulary.
The functional styles in the English literary standard.
Germanic languages in the mode world.
The mainstreams in mode linguistics: structuralism, generativism, pragmatics, etc.
The problem of language acquisition.
The periodization in the history of English. Outline of the periods.
The Norman Conquest and its impact on the language situation in Britain.
The etymological survey of the English vocabulary.
The historical development of the grammatical system of English.
The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary British literature.
The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary American literature.
The English intonation and its components in speech.
The modification of the English vowels and consonants.
(Автор и выходные данные не указаны). Ответы на 30 вопросов. Фонетика, теория перевода, грамматика, стилистика, история английского языка, современная литература англоязычных стран и т. д. The notions of cultural key words, concept, icons.
Interconnection of language and culture as a main problem of Country-study: linguistic aspect.
Use of the form Great Britain, its nomenclature.
The semantic principle of classification of Nouns in English.
The Subjunctive Mood in English.
The grammatical categories of the Noun.
The grammatical categories of the Adjective.
The classification of sentences according to their structure.
The classification of sentences according to the purpose of communication.
Two main types of meaning.
The classification of synonyms in English.
The classification of homonyms in English.
The productive ways of coining new words in English.
The translation equivalents and types of context.
The translation transformations and their types.
The unit of translation.
The translation of equivalents backing units.
The groups of stylistically marked vocabulary.
The functional styles in the English literary standard.
Germanic languages in the mode world.
The mainstreams in mode linguistics: structuralism, generativism, pragmatics, etc.
The problem of language acquisition.
The periodization in the history of English. Outline of the periods.
The Norman Conquest and its impact on the language situation in Britain.
The etymological survey of the English vocabulary.
The historical development of the grammatical system of English.
The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary British literature.
The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary American literature.
The English intonation and its components in speech.
The modification of the English vowels and consonants.