SBS, 2014-2015. — MP3 / 64 kb/s / mono
Улучшайте свои навыки слушания речи на латышском языке! Подборка из
30 подкастов Латвийской службы Австралийского радио общественного
вещания. Дикторы – носители латышского языка.
Архив разбит на три части. В данном файле вторая часть архива.
Practise your Latvian listening skills with radio podcasts! A selection of 30 broadcasts from the Latvian service of SBS [Special Broadcasting Service, the Australian public broadcasting radio], with reports on aspects of mainly Latvian and Australian politics, science, history and culture. Podcasted by the radio staff of SBS Latvian – all native speakers of Latvian. Average duration of each recording: 8 min.
Practise your Latvian listening skills with radio podcasts! A selection of 30 broadcasts from the Latvian service of SBS [Special Broadcasting Service, the Australian public broadcasting radio], with reports on aspects of mainly Latvian and Australian politics, science, history and culture. Podcasted by the radio staff of SBS Latvian – all native speakers of Latvian. Average duration of each recording: 8 min.