Third Edition. — Heinle Cengage Leaing, 2014. — 500 pages. —
ISBN-13: 978-1-133-95234-3; ISBN-10: 1-133-95234-8.
Учебник испанского языка с упором на культуру стран, где этот язык
доминирует. Язык-посредник – английский. Книга богато
иллюстрирована, что повлияло на размер файла, архив которого разбит
на две части. Это первая часть архива.
Imágenes, Third Edition, takes a functional, integrated skills
approach specifically designed to help students develop receptive
and productive skills simultaneously that are critical in leaing
Spanish. When using Imágenes students acquire communicative skills
while gaining an awareness of Hispanic cultures. The program’s
practical, relevant themes, lively practice, and engaging
technology components get leaers communicating early and
confidently. The exciting new third edition will contain a greater
focus on the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and have two
new video blogs in each chapter to provide input of chapter
functions and vocabulary. Imágenes will keep students motivated as
they lea and explore the many cultures of Spanish-speaking world.