北京:北京大学出版社,2003 — 192页
Пекин: Изд. Пекинского ун-та, 2003 — 192 с.
ISBN 978-7-301-06531-0 本教材特别针对汉语初级阶段的留学生而编写,注重培养学生的阅读能力和良好的阅读习惯,通过科学地阅读训练来提高学生的汉语整体水平。词汇较好地控制了难度,以初级词不主,篇幅循序渐进,多为三百字以下的短文。全书共二十课,每课分为文章阅读、实用文体阅读和看中国三个部分,所选材料鲜活实用,从不同用度还原了一个真实的汉字环境,使学生在学习汉语语言,掌握阅读技能的同时,也了解到中国的社会和文化。 Elementary Chinese Reading Course is designed to help elementary students (with a basic working vocabulary of 1000 words) improve their reading comprehension. This textbook features 20 lessons in simplified chinese. Each lesson contains text, dialogue, or narration, a vocabulary assistance section in English and Pinyin, a fill in the blanks section, and multiple choice questions. An answer key for each lesson is provided at the end of the book.
Пекин: Изд. Пекинского ун-та, 2003 — 192 с.
ISBN 978-7-301-06531-0 本教材特别针对汉语初级阶段的留学生而编写,注重培养学生的阅读能力和良好的阅读习惯,通过科学地阅读训练来提高学生的汉语整体水平。词汇较好地控制了难度,以初级词不主,篇幅循序渐进,多为三百字以下的短文。全书共二十课,每课分为文章阅读、实用文体阅读和看中国三个部分,所选材料鲜活实用,从不同用度还原了一个真实的汉字环境,使学生在学习汉语语言,掌握阅读技能的同时,也了解到中国的社会和文化。 Elementary Chinese Reading Course is designed to help elementary students (with a basic working vocabulary of 1000 words) improve their reading comprehension. This textbook features 20 lessons in simplified chinese. Each lesson contains text, dialogue, or narration, a vocabulary assistance section in English and Pinyin, a fill in the blanks section, and multiple choice questions. An answer key for each lesson is provided at the end of the book.