Издательство: Routledge
Год: 1997
Количество страниц: 56+50+77
ISBN 0-415-13540-0
ISBN 0-415-13542-7
ISBN 0-415-13542-5
We have contracted many debts in the process of writing this book. At the outset we are grateful to Simon Bell, for his commendable patience and encouragement. Our gratitude is also due to Drs Frank Ryan (Brown), William C. Ritchie (Syracuse) and Gopi Chand Narang (Delhi) for their comments and insightful suggestions. We owe special thanks to Adil Khan, Nuzhat Khan, Ali Abbas Rizwi, Tahsin Siddiqui, Ashish Tagore and Mangat R. Bhardwaj for their valuable comments, criticism and suggestions. Our heartfelt thanks are also due to Jennifer L. Smith, who provided editorial assistance for this work.
We are also indebted to our teachers, friends and colleagues Yamuna and Braj Kachru, Hans Hock, Rajeshwari Pandharipande, Meena and S.N. Sridhar, Sheela and M.K, Verma for their valuable discussions on matters of Hindi/Urdu teaching and linguistics. Finally, we also owe our debts to Dr P.R, Mehandiratta (Director, American Institute of Indian Studies, New Delhi) for his support and encouragement.
We are also grateful to Ankit and Kanika, who kept us going with their encouragement and support which enabled us to complete this work. Finally, no words can express our deepest appreciation to our brothers and families in India for their constant support during our entire careers.
There is no doubt in our minds that this work is not free from limitations. Therefore, we will be grateful for any comments, criticisms or suggestions that perceptive scholars might have on this book.
Год: 1997
Количество страниц: 56+50+77
ISBN 0-415-13540-0
ISBN 0-415-13542-7
ISBN 0-415-13542-5
We have contracted many debts in the process of writing this book. At the outset we are grateful to Simon Bell, for his commendable patience and encouragement. Our gratitude is also due to Drs Frank Ryan (Brown), William C. Ritchie (Syracuse) and Gopi Chand Narang (Delhi) for their comments and insightful suggestions. We owe special thanks to Adil Khan, Nuzhat Khan, Ali Abbas Rizwi, Tahsin Siddiqui, Ashish Tagore and Mangat R. Bhardwaj for their valuable comments, criticism and suggestions. Our heartfelt thanks are also due to Jennifer L. Smith, who provided editorial assistance for this work.
We are also indebted to our teachers, friends and colleagues Yamuna and Braj Kachru, Hans Hock, Rajeshwari Pandharipande, Meena and S.N. Sridhar, Sheela and M.K, Verma for their valuable discussions on matters of Hindi/Urdu teaching and linguistics. Finally, we also owe our debts to Dr P.R, Mehandiratta (Director, American Institute of Indian Studies, New Delhi) for his support and encouragement.
We are also grateful to Ankit and Kanika, who kept us going with their encouragement and support which enabled us to complete this work. Finally, no words can express our deepest appreciation to our brothers and families in India for their constant support during our entire careers.
There is no doubt in our minds that this work is not free from limitations. Therefore, we will be grateful for any comments, criticisms or suggestions that perceptive scholars might have on this book.