2-nd version. — Cambridge, 2003. — 187 p.
Учебник по древнеперсидскому языку для студентов, содержащий
краткие сведения по грамматике древнеперсидского языка и переводы
отдельных ахеменидских надписей.
Select bibliography
Sigla and Abbreviations
1 - 20 Lessons.
1. History of Old Persian.
2. Darius’s inscription at Behistun.
Old Persian - English Glossary.
English - Old Persian Glossary.
Grammatical index.
Index of cited texts by lesson.
Index of cited texts by texts.
Transcription of Old Persian in the exercises.
Select bibliography
Sigla and Abbreviations
1 - 20 Lessons.
1. History of Old Persian.
2. Darius’s inscription at Behistun.
Old Persian - English Glossary.
English - Old Persian Glossary.
Grammatical index.
Index of cited texts by lesson.
Index of cited texts by texts.
Transcription of Old Persian in the exercises.