Sanskrit Lessons 333 p. + Vocabulary 69 p.
Уроки разговорного санскрита для владеющих английским языком (часть
неизвестного индийского аудио- или видеокурса). Аудиофайлы
Все фразы приводятся на деванагари с параллельной транскрипцией и
переводом на английский.
In most cases the translation of sentences within lessons is very
literal, word-for-word translation from which the meaning of the
sentence and the words can easily be deciphered. When such
translation proved to be too ambiguous or vague there is a clearer
translation in the parenthesis. More information is sometimes given
in the vocabulary. Although majority of the word forms are obvious
if you follow the lesson carefully, in some cases the additional
information proves to be helpful for clearer comprehension. The
verse, the saying (or whatever you want to call the subhashita),
and the story (katha) are the hardest to follow for a student. For
beginner knowing every grammatical form and rule could be more of a
burden then help, so I chose not to be too technical in
explanations and translations both in the transcript and in the
vocabulary part. Bare with the bits you won’t understand completely
in the beginning. just listen and pick up the words gradually, the
understanding will follow soon. Especially if you try your best to
speak as much as possible, no matter how funny your pronunciation,
how difficult finding the words and the proper endings, how
mind-boggling some sentences prove to be. The lessons are designed
intelligently and they provide all the necessary information for
leaing. For Indians, of course, who happen to know the majority
of the words, since they are the same or very similar in their
mother tongues. Westeers are often bewildered when they hear many
of those basic It doesn’t end there. Word orders seem awkward, long
compounds take seconds to unravel (if not minutes), many sentences
seem grammatically illogical, etc. It takes time to tune into the
logic of the language. Then only you get to feel the beauty of
Sanskrit. The transcript and the vocabulary are designed for the
sake of Weste students, who otherwise stumbled on many problems
when they listened to the lessons without any aids.