Книга освещает проблемы социальной природы перевода - как процесса
и как продукта. Безусловно интересна уже тем, что книг посвященных
теории перевода - удручающе мало, а книг, раскрывающих роль
социального контекста в переводе - единицы. Будет интересна, в
первую очередь, студентам - будущим переводчикам, поможет им в
освоении дисциплин по специальности, успешном написании рефератов и
курсовых робот, а так же ученым-филологам, занимающимся проблемами
перевода, социолингвистики, особенно аспирантам. Translating and
interpreting--Social aspects. I. Wolf, Michaela. II. Fukari,
Alexandra. - John Benjamins Publishing Company
Amsterdam / Philadelphia,
2007. - 237 стр.
Table of contents.
Introduction: The emergence of a sociology of translation.
Michaela Wolf.
Part I. The debate on the translator’s position in an emerging sociology.
of translation.
Priests, princes and pariahs. Constructing the professional field.
of translation.
Erich Prun?.
Translation, irritation and resonance.
Theo Hermans.
Part II. Bourdieu’s influence in conceptualising a sociology of translation.
Objectivation, r?flexivit? et traduction. Pour une re-lecture bourdieusienne.
de la traduction.
Jean-Marc Gouanvic.
Outline for a sociology of translation. Current issues and future prospects.
Johan Heilbron and Gis?le Sapiro.
The location of the translation field. Negotiating borderlines between.
Pierre Bourdieu and Homi Bhabha.
Michaela Wolf.
Part III. Mapping the field: Issues of method and translation practice.
Locating systems and individuals in translation studies.
Mirella Agoi.
Translations in the making.
H?l?ne Buzelin.
Bridge concepts in translation sociology.
Andrew Chesterman.
Part IV. Constructing a sociology of translation studies: Overview.
and perspectives.
Between sociology and history. Method in context and in practice.
Daniel Simeoni.
Y a-t-il place pour une socio-traductologie?
Yves Gambier.
Notes on contributors.
Author index.
Subject index.
Amsterdam / Philadelphia,
2007. - 237 стр.
Table of contents.
Introduction: The emergence of a sociology of translation.
Michaela Wolf.
Part I. The debate on the translator’s position in an emerging sociology.
of translation.
Priests, princes and pariahs. Constructing the professional field.
of translation.
Erich Prun?.
Translation, irritation and resonance.
Theo Hermans.
Part II. Bourdieu’s influence in conceptualising a sociology of translation.
Objectivation, r?flexivit? et traduction. Pour une re-lecture bourdieusienne.
de la traduction.
Jean-Marc Gouanvic.
Outline for a sociology of translation. Current issues and future prospects.
Johan Heilbron and Gis?le Sapiro.
The location of the translation field. Negotiating borderlines between.
Pierre Bourdieu and Homi Bhabha.
Michaela Wolf.
Part III. Mapping the field: Issues of method and translation practice.
Locating systems and individuals in translation studies.
Mirella Agoi.
Translations in the making.
H?l?ne Buzelin.
Bridge concepts in translation sociology.
Andrew Chesterman.
Part IV. Constructing a sociology of translation studies: Overview.
and perspectives.
Between sociology and history. Method in context and in practice.
Daniel Simeoni.
Y a-t-il place pour une socio-traductologie?
Yves Gambier.
Notes on contributors.
Author index.
Subject index.