КГУ им М.П.Драгоманова, Киев, Палочкина Ю.А.
Object and objectives of translation theory
Points under analysis:
Notion of translation. Functional, structural and semantic identification of translation.
General and special theory of translation. Objective and subjective aspects of translation theory.
Main types of translation
Equivalence in translation
Points under analysis:
Notion of translation equivalence.
Types of equivalents
linguistic translation theories (MODELS)
Points under analysis:
Notion of a translation model;
The linguistic theories of translation:
the theory of equivalence levels;
the theory of regular correspondences;
the denotative model;
the transformational model;
the semantic model.
Cultural aspects of translation
Points under analysis:
The communicational model of translation.
Notion of pragmatics.
Pragmatic adaptation of the text in translation.
Basic translation transformations
Points under analysis:
Lexical transformations.
Grammatical transformations.
Lexico-grammatical transformations.
Object and objectives of translation theory
Points under analysis:
Notion of translation. Functional, structural and semantic identification of translation.
General and special theory of translation. Objective and subjective aspects of translation theory.
Main types of translation
Equivalence in translation
Points under analysis:
Notion of translation equivalence.
Types of equivalents
linguistic translation theories (MODELS)
Points under analysis:
Notion of a translation model;
The linguistic theories of translation:
the theory of equivalence levels;
the theory of regular correspondences;
the denotative model;
the transformational model;
the semantic model.
Cultural aspects of translation
Points under analysis:
The communicational model of translation.
Notion of pragmatics.
Pragmatic adaptation of the text in translation.
Basic translation transformations
Points under analysis:
Lexical transformations.
Grammatical transformations.
Lexico-grammatical transformations.