Бишкек: КМТУ, Текник басма борбору, 2005. — 183 б. ISBN
9967-427-21-3 Kyrgyz-English-Russian
technical dictionary. The technical terminology has been developed on the whole in three basic trends: the retaining of the terms from Russian, keeping the spelling and the sounding; the replacement of the terms in Kyrgyz completely, by introducing of new artificial words; the determining of the term sources, its origin, the replacement by an equivalent in the Kyrgyz language, if it is present and incorporates the content of an object in itself and a meaning. If such is not present, then to transform the term, retaining its root content in clear Kyrgyz mode on reprimand and speech harmony.The offered dictionary is based by the third principle. Words and word combinations of a machine-building trend are included in the dictionary. The household words which are familiar well to the Kyrgyz and facilitating their understanding the essence of the term and at the same time, permitting the easy training and remembering. The attempt is made to reanimate the old and forgotten terms. The dictionary is intended to students, teachers and intelligentsia connected with technical education.
technical dictionary. The technical terminology has been developed on the whole in three basic trends: the retaining of the terms from Russian, keeping the spelling and the sounding; the replacement of the terms in Kyrgyz completely, by introducing of new artificial words; the determining of the term sources, its origin, the replacement by an equivalent in the Kyrgyz language, if it is present and incorporates the content of an object in itself and a meaning. If such is not present, then to transform the term, retaining its root content in clear Kyrgyz mode on reprimand and speech harmony.The offered dictionary is based by the third principle. Words and word combinations of a machine-building trend are included in the dictionary. The household words which are familiar well to the Kyrgyz and facilitating their understanding the essence of the term and at the same time, permitting the easy training and remembering. The attempt is made to reanimate the old and forgotten terms. The dictionary is intended to students, teachers and intelligentsia connected with technical education.