New York: Elsevier Science, 1987. — 216 p. — ISBN-10: 444995277 —
ISBN-13: 978-0444995278
Пятиязычный словарь по металловедению: английский, немецкий,
французский, русский, испанский.
The Dictionary of Physical Metallurgy in Five Languages is intended
to provide university students, research workers and engineers with
the vocabulary of basic terms used in this branch of science. The
recent development of physical metallurgy is characterized by the
growth of strong bonds to the physics of metals. Therefore, the
terms relating to lattice defects and their properties, as well as
to laboratory tests revealing their effects on macroscopic
behaviour of metallic materials are covered extensively. In
contrast, the terms related to technological operations, such as
heat and mechanical treatment as well as the corresponding
equipment, have been incorporated to a lesser extent. Furthermore,
only a limited number of names of metallic compounds and alloys
have been included whereas raw materials have been omitted
The present Dictionary is based on the Dictionary of Scientific
Terms from Physical Metallurgy published in parts during the years
1968—1976 in the Czechoslovak joual "Metallic Materials" and on
its revised and extended version published by Veda, Publishing
House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in 1981. The Czech and
Slovak languages of the two preceding versions have been replaced
by Spanish, and the Russian part has been substantially
complemented by synonyms.