Персидский язык
Языки и языкознание
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  • добавлен 29 июля 2015 г.
Bashiri Iraj. Russian Loanwords in Persian and Tajiki Languages (Русские заимствования в персидском и таджикском языках)
Статья. Автор - Ирадж Башири, профессор Университета Миннесоты (США). Опубликована в сборнике "Иранистика в Америке". — с.109 -
139. — Сокращённая версия данной статьи под
заголовком "Русификация таджикского языка" была прочитана на Конференции по Языкам и
Лингвистике, состоявшейся в Миннесоте (США) 12-13 октября 1990г.
This article on Russian loanwords in Persian and Tajiki is dedicated to Ali Jazayety, a pioneer in the field of intercultural relations reflected in the loanwords of diverse communication systems.
The article is in three parts.

Part one examines the Russian element in Persian and classifies the loanwords in broad categories. For each citation, the written Persian, its transcription, the Russian original and its transcription are provided.

Part two, an introductory study of Russian and Russified weste loanwords in Tajiki, categorizes the loanwords and discusses each group in tems of contribution and impact. Following Herbert H. Paper, the Tajiki foms are given in Cyrillic orthography. An appendix, including the Tajiki alphabet, its transcription and Persian equivalents, accompanies the study.

The third part includes conclusions based on a comparison of the westeization of Persian and the Russification of Tajiki.
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