Columbia University Press, Ney York and London, Second Edition
1951, Eleventh printing 1967.
This presentation is intended for use in the early stages of a course, the first chapters serving to familiarize the student with the essentials, and the others being introduced progressively during the course; or it may serve as a review of the information acquired from the textbook used, such a review being followed, if desired, by further study of the problem.
The manual is divided into two parts. The first is an attempt to present, as a coherent system, the different verbs of motion in their two non-prefixed forms, then the mechanism of prefixation, and finally the meaning of the more important prefixes. The second part includes a listing, with illustrative examples, of some of the more common idiomatic or figurative uses of these verbs and their derived forms; it also includes a condensed presentation of the verbs of 'running', 'flying' and 'swimming', and a brief discussion of miscellaneous problems which may arise on a more advanced level.
Part I has been provided with numerous exercises which should enable the student to acquire a functional knowledge of the different forms. An affort has been made in these exercises to avoid placing before the student several problems at the same time; the drill material requires that the student supply the answer to one specific question throughout a given exercise.
В книге в некоторых местах имеются заполненные от руки грамматические упражнения и другие подписи. Представляет собой неплохой справочный материал, особенно для англоговорящих студентов.
This presentation is intended for use in the early stages of a course, the first chapters serving to familiarize the student with the essentials, and the others being introduced progressively during the course; or it may serve as a review of the information acquired from the textbook used, such a review being followed, if desired, by further study of the problem.
The manual is divided into two parts. The first is an attempt to present, as a coherent system, the different verbs of motion in their two non-prefixed forms, then the mechanism of prefixation, and finally the meaning of the more important prefixes. The second part includes a listing, with illustrative examples, of some of the more common idiomatic or figurative uses of these verbs and their derived forms; it also includes a condensed presentation of the verbs of 'running', 'flying' and 'swimming', and a brief discussion of miscellaneous problems which may arise on a more advanced level.
Part I has been provided with numerous exercises which should enable the student to acquire a functional knowledge of the different forms. An affort has been made in these exercises to avoid placing before the student several problems at the same time; the drill material requires that the student supply the answer to one specific question throughout a given exercise.
В книге в некоторых местах имеются заполненные от руки грамматические упражнения и другие подписи. Представляет собой неплохой справочный материал, особенно для англоговорящих студентов.