Издательство: Folkuniversitetets f?rlag
Год: 1997
ISBN: 9174343920
Формат/качество аудио: m4a 44100 Гц, Стерео, 86 Кбит/сек
Язык: Шведский, русский
Пособие по фонетике и грамматике
Описание: Перед вами прекрасный комплект учебников по изучению шведского языка от самих носителей. В комплект входят: учебник на шведском языке, сборник упраждений по учебнику, ключи к упражнениям и книга для русских студентов, где рассказано о произношении, грамматике etc (перевод сделан самими шведами, поэтому не удивляйтесь ошибкам ). Учебник предназначен для начинающих изучать язык, его можно использовать и как самоучитель.
Аудиокурс на 2 CD прилагается.
Textbook + ?vningsbok + Set of (2) CDs (for use with textbook)
P? svenska! is a teaching material which enables students to attain base level knowledge of the Swedish language. Its aim is to facilitate participation in everyday conversation after a short time without spending so much time on grammar practice. P? svenska! can an also be used by students who choose the self-study route. Pronunciation and grammar are explained in the student's own language making leaing effective. The Textbook comprises 16 sections with short stimulating dialogues and other texts. In the texts students follow a group of Swedes in their everyday lives and holidays. Glimpses of different parts of Sweden are also given. Special pictorial pages facilitate vocabulary leaing. Useful phrases for everyday language situations are presented throughout the book. Listening comprehension exercises accompany each section providing early practice in understanding the spoken language. Grammar is introduced in a natural way without complicated explanations. The book includes a vocabulary of about 200 words. The Study Booklet which is available in 12 languages comprises four sections: Pronunciation with guide and texts with the emphasis on pronunciation. Grammar with explanations and examples. Glossary (alphabetical glossary and list of phrases). Answers to questions in the Textbook. The Exercise book contains additional training exercises on the grammar points raised in the text book.
Год: 1997
ISBN: 9174343920
Формат/качество аудио: m4a 44100 Гц, Стерео, 86 Кбит/сек
Язык: Шведский, русский
Пособие по фонетике и грамматике
Описание: Перед вами прекрасный комплект учебников по изучению шведского языка от самих носителей. В комплект входят: учебник на шведском языке, сборник упраждений по учебнику, ключи к упражнениям и книга для русских студентов, где рассказано о произношении, грамматике etc (перевод сделан самими шведами, поэтому не удивляйтесь ошибкам ). Учебник предназначен для начинающих изучать язык, его можно использовать и как самоучитель.
Аудиокурс на 2 CD прилагается.
Textbook + ?vningsbok + Set of (2) CDs (for use with textbook)
P? svenska! is a teaching material which enables students to attain base level knowledge of the Swedish language. Its aim is to facilitate participation in everyday conversation after a short time without spending so much time on grammar practice. P? svenska! can an also be used by students who choose the self-study route. Pronunciation and grammar are explained in the student's own language making leaing effective. The Textbook comprises 16 sections with short stimulating dialogues and other texts. In the texts students follow a group of Swedes in their everyday lives and holidays. Glimpses of different parts of Sweden are also given. Special pictorial pages facilitate vocabulary leaing. Useful phrases for everyday language situations are presented throughout the book. Listening comprehension exercises accompany each section providing early practice in understanding the spoken language. Grammar is introduced in a natural way without complicated explanations. The book includes a vocabulary of about 200 words. The Study Booklet which is available in 12 languages comprises four sections: Pronunciation with guide and texts with the emphasis on pronunciation. Grammar with explanations and examples. Glossary (alphabetical glossary and list of phrases). Answers to questions in the Textbook. The Exercise book contains additional training exercises on the grammar points raised in the text book.