Математическая логика
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  • добавлен 22 февраля 2011 г.
Levitz K., Levitz H. Logical and Boolean Algebra
Copyright 1979 by Barren's Educational Series.

This book was intended for students who plan to study in the humanities and in the social and management sciences. Students interested in the physical and natural sciences, however, might also find its study rewarding. All that is presupposed is some high school algebra. The authors strongly urge that the topics be studied in the order in which they appear and that no topics be skipped. In recent years there has been considerable divergence of opinion among mathematics teachers as to the degree of abstraction, rigor, formality, and generality that is appropriate for elementary courses. We believe that the trend lately has been to go too far in these directions. Quite naturally, this book reflects our views on this question. Although the subject matter is considered from a mode point of view, we have consciously tried to emulate the informal and lucid style of the better writers of a generation ago. Manipulative skills are cultivated slowly, and the progression from the concrete to the abstract is very gradual.
We wish to extend our thanks to our typist Susan Schreck and to Matthew Marlin and Anne Park, who were students in a course from which this book evolved. We also wish to thank the editorial consultants of Barron's for their helpful suggestions.
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