Популярная математика
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  • добавлен 19 июня 2011 г.
David Wells. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers
First published in 1986, this mind-boggling and entertaining dictionary, arranged in order of magnitude, exposes the fascinating facts about certain numbers and number sequences - very large primes, amicable numbers and golden squares to give but a few examples.
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Bakst A. Mathematics, its magic and mastery

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Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1945. - 790 pages. This book is a great way to learn some of the interesting aspects of numbers. Among some of the subjects covered include numbering systems, ciphers, angles, dimensions, and of course, algebra. This book is designed to make mathematics interesting. The science is not treated formally; abstract conceptions and uninteresting and abstruse procedures are completely avoided; yet at the same time t...

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McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 144 pages. Go Figure is an engaging and diverse collection of maths-related anecdotes, puzzles and formulas. It shows readers all the interesting things they can figure out using basic algebra. As Bruce Merserve and Max Sobel observed in their Introduction to Mathematics (Prentice-Hall), Many people study mathematics just for fun! These individuals would rather solve a mathematical puzzle than read a book, watch television,...

Devlin K. The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible

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W.H. Freeman & Company, 1998. - 413 pages. Mathematician Devlin offers readers readers a primer for mathematics, its history, and recent development in the numbers field. LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS walks readers through a range of topics from non-Euclidean geometry, network theory, and quantum mechanics to the impacting legacy left by some of history's greatest mathematicians, including Fermat, Galois, and Archimedes. The author is a featured c...

Gardner M. Penrose Tiles To Trapdoor Ciphers and the Return of Dr. Matrix

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@ 1989, 1997 by W. H. Freeman, New York The Mathematical Association of America (Incorporated) ISBN 0-88385-521-6 Preface Penrose Tiling I Penrose Tiling II Mandelbrot's Fractals Conway's Surreal numbers Back from the Klondike and Other Problems The Oulipo The Oulipo II Wythoff's Nim Pool-Ball Triangles and Other Problems Mathematical Induction and Colored Hats Negative Numbers Cutting Shapes into N Congruent Putts Trapdoor ciphers Trapdoor ciph...

Gardner M. Time Travel and other Mathematical Bewilderments

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Glencoe. Math Triumphs: Foundations for Algebra 1 (Teacher Handbook)

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McGrawHill/Glencoe, 2010. - 383 pages. Math Triumphs is an intensive intervention resource for students who are two or more years below grade level. The series accompanies Glencoe Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and provides step-by-step intervention, vocabulary support, and data-driven decision making to help students succeed in high school mathematics. Spiral bound Glencoe McGraw-Hill Math Triumphs Foundations for Algebra 1 copyright 2010...

Oliva R.A., LaMont M.D., Fowler L.R. The Great International ''Math On Keys'' Book

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Texas Instruments, 1976. - 226 Pages. Getting together the basic information, formulas, facts, and mathematical tools you need to "unlock" all the power of you Hand=Held Calculator. This book is designed for you. Its main purpose is to get together in one place a wide variety of useful and interesting information involving calculators, the world around you, and mathematics. It's designed to be a working tool that, when used with your calculato...

Salem L., Testard F., Salem C. The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas

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Wiley, 1997. - 141 pages. A lighthearted tour through 49 of the most interesting and useful mathematical formulas ever derived Now in paperback, this whimsical book reacquaints the reader with the pleasure of playing with numbers. Both entertaining and practical, it reaches a level of sophistication consistently high enough to make intelligent people think, but never aims so high that it is difficult to follow. Accompanying the formulas are ov...

Schimmel A. The Mystery of Numbers

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Oxford University Press, 1993. - 336 pages. This is not a math book, but rather a journey through time and cultures that focuses on the place of numbers in various human systems. As such, it is entertaining, enlightening, and may even be somewhat unsettling to those who have always dismissed mysticism and numerology as bogus. Shimmel has translated and added to Franz Carl Endres's book of the same name, broadening the scope of the German origina...

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