McGrawHill/Glencoe, 2010. - 383 pages.
Math Triumphs is an intensive intervention resource for students who are two or more years below grade level. The series accompanies Glencoe Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and provides step-by-step intervention, vocabulary support, and data-driven decision making to help students succeed in high school mathematics.
Spiral bound Glencoe McGraw-Hill Math Triumphs Foundations for Algebra 1 copyright 2010 Teacher Edition. This book contains 6 chapters of study. They are: Chapter 1 Numbers and Operations, Chapter 2 Decimals, Chapter 3 Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Chapter 4 Real Numbers, Chapter 5 Measurement and Geometry, and Chapter 6 Probability and Statistics. This Teacher's Edition contains the pages (262pp) of the student book (answers in red) with teacher's information in the side and bootom margins, plus a 61 page section of Answers (test pages in reduced format) to Chapter Pretests, and Chapter Tests.
Math Triumphs is an intensive intervention resource for students who are two or more years below grade level. The series accompanies Glencoe Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and provides step-by-step intervention, vocabulary support, and data-driven decision making to help students succeed in high school mathematics.
Spiral bound Glencoe McGraw-Hill Math Triumphs Foundations for Algebra 1 copyright 2010 Teacher Edition. This book contains 6 chapters of study. They are: Chapter 1 Numbers and Operations, Chapter 2 Decimals, Chapter 3 Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Chapter 4 Real Numbers, Chapter 5 Measurement and Geometry, and Chapter 6 Probability and Statistics. This Teacher's Edition contains the pages (262pp) of the student book (answers in red) with teacher's information in the side and bootom margins, plus a 61 page section of Answers (test pages in reduced format) to Chapter Pretests, and Chapter Tests.