Дискретная математика
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  • добавлен 04 октября 2011 г.
No J.-S., Song H.-E., Helleset T., Kumar P.V. (eds.) Mathematical Properties of Sequences and other Combinatorial Structures
Издательство Kluwer, 2003, -133 pp.
This proceedings is for the most part, a collection of papers presented in the three-day onference, held in Los Angeles, May 30 - June 1,2002, celebrating the 70th bIrthday of Professor Solomon W. Golomb. All contributions to the proceedings were peer-reviewed. Reflecting the interests of Professor Golomb, the major topics include sequences and combinatorial structures and range in treatment from pure theory" to application-oriented", from a short and concise presentation of results to a more comprehensive tutorial treatment. .
pairs of m-Sequences.
with a six-Valued crosscorrelation.
permutation polynomials tuscan-k Arrays and costas sequences.
periods of piecewise-Linear recurrences.
trace representation of hall'S sextic residue sequences of period p?7 (mod 8).
Array correlation and sequences with equal magnitude correlation.
singly periodic costas arrays are equivalent to.
polygonal path vatican squares.
survey on costas arrays and their generalizations.
on p-Ary bent functions defined on fin1te fields.
distribution of r-Pattes in the highest level of p-Adic.
expansion of some linear recursion sequences over galois rings.
on edit distance ati'Ack to alteating step generator.
polyomino number theory (ll).
Achievement games for polyominoes on archimedean tessellations.
what'S new in polyomino puzzles and their design.
euler sums revisited.
hardy-Littlewood constants.
on the parity of permutation.
on the connections between rsa cryptosystem and the fibonacci numbers.
removing autocorrelation sidelobes by overlaying.
orthogonal coding on any train of identical pulses.
irreducibles of tetranomial type.
a method of deterministically generating block substitution tables which meet a given standard of nonlinearity.
tilings with generalized lee spheres.
on the connections between rsa cryptosystem and the fibonacci numbers.
removing autocorrelation sidelobes by overlaying orthogonal coding on any train of identical pulses.
an analytic cache performance model.
pn signal acquisition and convolution via the characters of the additive group.
golomb' S reminiscences.
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