Издательство North Holland, 1988, -419 pp.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in Honour of Paul Erd?s
The 1988 Cambridge Combinatorial Conference was held at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 21 to 25 March 1988, under the auspices of the London Mathematical Society, the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics of Cambridge University and Trinity College, Cambridge. The financial support from these institutions is gratefully acknowledged. The conference was in honour of Professor Paul Erdos on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Thirty leading combinatorialists accepted the invitation to give talks at the meeting. This volume consists of most of the papers they presented together with some additional articles on closely related topics.
In organising the meeting, I received invaluable help from many people, especially Graham Brightwell, Hugh Hind, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Imre Leader, Jamie Radcliffe, Andrew Thomason, Jurek Wojciechowski and above all my wife, Gabriella. It would have been impossible to run the conference without their enthusiastic assistance.
Combinatorics has not been an established branch of mathematics for very long: the last quarter of a century has seen an explosive growth in the subject. This growth has been due in large part to the doyen of combinatorialists, Paul Erdos, who through his penetrating insight and insatiable curiosity has provided a huge stimulus for the workers in the field, a great many of whom have collaborated with him. All combinatorialists are vastly indebted to Paul Erdos: there is hardly any part of combinatorics that has not been greatly enriched by his ideas. It is a pleasure to dedicate this volume to Paul Erdos on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday.
Paul Erd?s at Seventy-Five.
Packing smaller graphs into a graph.
The star arboricity of graphs.
Graphs with a small number of distinct induced subgraphs.
Extensions of networks with given diameter.
Confluence of some presentations associated with graphs.
Long cycles in graphs with no subgraphs of minimal degree 3.
First cycles in random directed graph processes.
On clustering problems with connected optima in Euclidean spaces.
Some sequences of integers.
1-Factorizing regular graphs of high degree - An improved bound.
Graphs with small bandwidth and cutwidth.
Simplicial decompositions of graphs: A survey of applications.
On the number of distinct induced subgraphs of a graph.
On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum (I).
The first cycles in an evolving graph.
Covering the complete graph by partitions.
A density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem for k=3.
On the path-complete bipartite Ramsey number.
Towards a solution of the Dinitz problem? .
A note on Latin squares with restricted support.
Pseudo-random hypergraphs.
Bouquets of geometric lattices: Some algebraic and topological aspects.
A short proof of a theorem of Vamos on matroid representations.
An on-line graph coloring algorithm with sublinear performance ratio.
The partite construction and Ramsey set systems.
Scaffold permutations.
Bounds on the measurable chromatic number of Rn.
A simple linear expected time algorithm for finding a hamilton path.
Dense expanders and pseudo-random bipartite graphs.
Forbidden graphs for degree and neighbourhood conditions.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in Honour of Paul Erd?s
The 1988 Cambridge Combinatorial Conference was held at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 21 to 25 March 1988, under the auspices of the London Mathematical Society, the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics of Cambridge University and Trinity College, Cambridge. The financial support from these institutions is gratefully acknowledged. The conference was in honour of Professor Paul Erdos on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Thirty leading combinatorialists accepted the invitation to give talks at the meeting. This volume consists of most of the papers they presented together with some additional articles on closely related topics.
In organising the meeting, I received invaluable help from many people, especially Graham Brightwell, Hugh Hind, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Imre Leader, Jamie Radcliffe, Andrew Thomason, Jurek Wojciechowski and above all my wife, Gabriella. It would have been impossible to run the conference without their enthusiastic assistance.
Combinatorics has not been an established branch of mathematics for very long: the last quarter of a century has seen an explosive growth in the subject. This growth has been due in large part to the doyen of combinatorialists, Paul Erdos, who through his penetrating insight and insatiable curiosity has provided a huge stimulus for the workers in the field, a great many of whom have collaborated with him. All combinatorialists are vastly indebted to Paul Erdos: there is hardly any part of combinatorics that has not been greatly enriched by his ideas. It is a pleasure to dedicate this volume to Paul Erdos on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday.
Paul Erd?s at Seventy-Five.
Packing smaller graphs into a graph.
The star arboricity of graphs.
Graphs with a small number of distinct induced subgraphs.
Extensions of networks with given diameter.
Confluence of some presentations associated with graphs.
Long cycles in graphs with no subgraphs of minimal degree 3.
First cycles in random directed graph processes.
On clustering problems with connected optima in Euclidean spaces.
Some sequences of integers.
1-Factorizing regular graphs of high degree - An improved bound.
Graphs with small bandwidth and cutwidth.
Simplicial decompositions of graphs: A survey of applications.
On the number of distinct induced subgraphs of a graph.
On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum (I).
The first cycles in an evolving graph.
Covering the complete graph by partitions.
A density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem for k=3.
On the path-complete bipartite Ramsey number.
Towards a solution of the Dinitz problem? .
A note on Latin squares with restricted support.
Pseudo-random hypergraphs.
Bouquets of geometric lattices: Some algebraic and topological aspects.
A short proof of a theorem of Vamos on matroid representations.
An on-line graph coloring algorithm with sublinear performance ratio.
The partite construction and Ramsey set systems.
Scaffold permutations.
Bounds on the measurable chromatic number of Rn.
A simple linear expected time algorithm for finding a hamilton path.
Dense expanders and pseudo-random bipartite graphs.
Forbidden graphs for degree and neighbourhood conditions.