London, E & FN Spon, 1996, 405p., ISBN 0-203-47478-3
That soccer itself is an art rather than a science is exemplified by the craft of great players like Johann Cruyff or Brazil’s Romario, the guile of Diego Maradona or Franco Baresi. The game is aleatory and is partly determined by chance. This uncertainty of outcome is part of its appeal. A scientific approach towards preparation for play can nevertheless enhance the enjoyment of both players and spectators. It can achieve this by enabling the team to play to its potential. It is this microcosm that is subjected to scientific scrutiny in the chapters that follow.
Introduction to science and soccer
Biology and soccer
Biomechanics and soccer medicine
Behavioural science and soccer
Match analysis
That soccer itself is an art rather than a science is exemplified by the craft of great players like Johann Cruyff or Brazil’s Romario, the guile of Diego Maradona or Franco Baresi. The game is aleatory and is partly determined by chance. This uncertainty of outcome is part of its appeal. A scientific approach towards preparation for play can nevertheless enhance the enjoyment of both players and spectators. It can achieve this by enabling the team to play to its potential. It is this microcosm that is subjected to scientific scrutiny in the chapters that follow.
Introduction to science and soccer
Biology and soccer
Biomechanics and soccer medicine
Behavioural science and soccer
Match analysis