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  • добавлен 12 августа 2014 г.
Икбал Мухаммад. Тайны Я / Iqbal Muhammad. The Secrets of the Self / محمد اقبال. اسرار خودی
E-book. — 64 p. (in English and Persian)
Translation from Persian by Reynold A. Nicholson.
The system of the universe originates in the Self.
The life of the Self comes from forming desires.
The Self is strengthened by Love.
The Self is weakened by asking.
Strengthened by Love its gains dominion over the universe.
Negation of the Self.
We must be on our guard against the Platonism.
The true nature of poetry and the reform of Islamic literature.
The three stages of the education of the self.
Inner meanings of the names of Ali.
A young man of Merv and the saint Ali Hujwiri.
The bird that was faint with thirst.
Story of the diamond and the coal.
The Sheikh and the Brahmin, followed by a conversation between Ganges and Himalayas.
On Jihad.
Precepts of Baba Sahra'i.
Time is a Sword.
An Invocation.