London: Waer Books, 1996. С фотографиями
Воспоминания сестры Джеральда Даррелла Марго. О ней он очень много
писал в своей трилогии о Корфу.
Писателя часто спрашивали о судьбе его сестры. Теперь она сама рассказывает о себе.
Рукопись этой книги найдена на чердаке ее старого дома внуками. Предположительно книга была написана в середине 60х годов.
Margaret Durrell was bo in India, the privileged child of the British Raj. Following the death of her father in 1928, the family retued to England, settling in Bouemouth. Lured by tales of the magic of Greece, the Durrells uprooted again and moved to Corfu in 1933. Rumours of war forced the family to retu to England, but Margo escaped back to Corfu to live with her village friends.
After marriage and extensive travels in Africa, she retued to England again before the birth of her second son. Divorce followed and she married again, but, unable to curb her restless urge to travel, she became a mariner on a Greek cruise ship. Марго скончалась в ее родном Борнмуте.
Писателя часто спрашивали о судьбе его сестры. Теперь она сама рассказывает о себе.
Рукопись этой книги найдена на чердаке ее старого дома внуками. Предположительно книга была написана в середине 60х годов.
Margaret Durrell was bo in India, the privileged child of the British Raj. Following the death of her father in 1928, the family retued to England, settling in Bouemouth. Lured by tales of the magic of Greece, the Durrells uprooted again and moved to Corfu in 1933. Rumours of war forced the family to retu to England, but Margo escaped back to Corfu to live with her village friends.
After marriage and extensive travels in Africa, she retued to England again before the birth of her second son. Divorce followed and she married again, but, unable to curb her restless urge to travel, she became a mariner on a Greek cruise ship. Марго скончалась в ее родном Борнмуте.