Inteational Labour Organization 2010,137s. This is the report of
an inteational research project conducted by the Skills and
Employability Department of the ILO on the implementation of
National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and their use and impact.
The research aimed to produce empirical evidence and analysis of
countries’ experiences as a basis for advising countries on
whether, and if so, then how, to introduce a qualifications
framework as part of a strategy to achieve their wider skills
development and employment goals.
A qualifications framework is intended to improve understanding of qualifications
(degrees, certificates, or recognition of experiential-based leaing and capabilities) in terms of
the information they convey to an employer about prospective workers’ competencies.
Frameworks are also intended to explain how qualifications relate to each other and thus can be
combined to build pathways within education systems.
A qualifications framework is intended to improve understanding of qualifications
(degrees, certificates, or recognition of experiential-based leaing and capabilities) in terms of
the information they convey to an employer about prospective workers’ competencies.
Frameworks are also intended to explain how qualifications relate to each other and thus can be
combined to build pathways within education systems.