england and the wars in flanders, 1542–1543 131
e mid-winter months of 1542–1543 were, as usual, closed to
active campaigning. Montreuil, Boulogne and Ardres were seriously
reinforced with men.
Wallop claimed that du Biez had planned to
overrun the Pale but the marshal strenuously denied this.
We know
that Estourmel, hero of the 1536 campaign, approached du Roeulx in
March through an intermediary in Cambrai but this was probably a
move designed to discover Imperial plans rather than initiate talks.
Neither side was serious and du Roeulx in particular was now mainly
concerned with concerting plans with the English for a joint attack on
France. e conclusion of the Anglo-Imperial treaty in February 1543,
though not immediately widely known, gave an impetus to war prepa-
rations. Wallop had asked du Roeulx how many men he could pro-
vide in the event of an Anglo-French war. Du Roeulx was already
empowered to oer 500 horse and 2500 foot and, if they had a secret
enterprise, he could provide 6000 foot, 1000 horse with 3 siege cannon
and 5 eld pieces. He was pushing for the rapid taking of Montreuil
and the allocation of 40,000 écus for its fortication as well as the
destruction of Saint-Valéry, Le Crotoy and Saint-Riquier.
As he
had feared, French reinforcements were sent to Montreuil over the
winter but he was again encouraging Wallop to advise his master
to direct an English attack there. As before, he claimed this would
have érouanne, Hesdin, Ardres and Boulogne at the mercy of the
Relations between the French at Ardres and the English
of the Pale were becoming more strained, while Wallop made sugges-
tions for action should a nal break occur, in which case ‘I wold not
doubte to sarve them wyth the furst buet.’
For the moment, how-
ever, the French, and particularly du Biez at Boulogne, were anxious
to avoid conict with the English and went out of their way to do so
while faced by the threat from the Burgundians.
Wallop, 13, 17 Sept. 1542, L&P, XVII, 782, 801.
Du Biez to Wallop, Potter, Du Biez, no. 161; Wallop to Council, 10 Oct. 1542,
L&P, XVII, 934.
Du Roeulx to Mary of Hungary, 11 Mar. 1543, HHSA, Frankreich, Varia 5,
fo. 107.
Ibid., Wallop to Council, 3 Dec. 1542, L&P, XVII, 1164; Du Roeulx to Wallop,
4 Jan. 1543 (L&P, XVIII, i, 9); 7 April 1543 (ibid., no. 386); Maltravers and Wal-
lop to Council, 11 May 1543, ibid., no. 524; Wallop to Council, 31 May 1543, ibid.,
no. 619.
Wallop to Henry VIII, 22 Feb. 1543, NA SP1/176, fo. 56 (L&P, XVIII, i, 195).
Proclamation at Boulogne against talking of war with the English (Wallop to
Council, 27 Feb. 1543, NA SP1/176, fo. 80 (L&P, XVIII, i, 210) and same at Ardres,
Wallop, 5 March, NA SP1/176, fo. 115 (L&P, XVIII, i, 249).