560 index
Seaton, George, 5th Lord (c.1508–1549),
11–, 177
Selve, Odet de, French ambassador in
England (1546–49), 23, 390, 443,
457–8, 468, 470, 474–5, 480
Seymour, omas (c.1509–49), envoy to
France, 1538, to Ferdinand I, 1542,
Lord Admiral (1547), 75, 81, 135, 139,
143, 145, 187, 213–4, 310n, 311, 350,
375n, 469n, 504
Seymour, see also Hertford
Seyssel, Claude de (d.1520), jurist,
bishop of Marseille, 351
Ships: Carracks, 349–50, 356, 361–2,
368, 375; Galleys, 1, 112, 125, 259,
267–8, 290–1, 299, 348, 350–7,
359–61, 365–6, 370–1, 376–7, 379–87,
390, 445, 459, 477; Galleasses, 353,
355, 366, 368, 370–1, 381–2, 389;
Nefs, 350, 354–6; Rowbarges, 299,
366, 370–1, 377, 381–2, 389
Shropshire, 222
Skelton, John (1460–1529), poet, 19
Soissons (Aisne), 130
Solent, 376, 383–6
Solway Moss, battle of (1542), 82, 91,
96–7, 105, 209
Somerset, duke of, see Hertford
Somerville, Hugh, 4th Lord (c.1484–1549),
96, 98, 111
Somme, river, 75, 122, 154, 158, 170,
173–6, 251, 351, 398
Southampton, 349, 367, 376, 432
Southampton, William Fitzwilliam,
1st earl of (c.1490–1542), Treasurer
of the Household (1525–39), Lord
Admiral (1536–40), Lord Privy Seal
(1540–42), 62, 64, 71, 73, 80, 94, 96,
101n, 209–11, 237, 364
Southampton, see Wriothelsey
Southwell, Richard (1502/3–1564),
Treasurer of the Battle, 212, 252n,
Speyer (Rhein-Pfalz), 160–2, 168, 190,
255, 263, 315
Staordshire, troops from, 222
Statutes/Acts of Parliament: of Articers
(1514), 248; of Proclamations (1539),
43; of Strangers (1540), 44, 121;
Subsidy Acts (1545), 22, 228, 249–50;
for Dissolution of the Chantries (1545),
Stirling, Convention of (November
1544), 395
Strasbourg, 5, 6, 337, 348, 401, 413
Strozzi, Piero (1510–58), naval
commander and marshal of France
(1544), 150n, 307, 353, 356, 377, 379,
384, 385n, 386, 388
Strozzi, Leone, Prior of Capua
(1515–54), knight of Malta, galley
commander, 356, 375, 377, 379, 384
Stuart, John, sr. d’Aubigny (c.1519–67),
101, 110
Sturm, Jakob (1489–1553), councillor
of Strasbourg, 334n, 335, 401–2, 411,
Sturm, Johann (1507–89), rector of
Strasbourg gymnasium, 410–2, 410,
412, 419, 414–21, 424–5, 471
Suolk, 221, 226, 234n, 365, 501
Suolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of
(c.1484–1545), lieutenant in the
North, 1543–4, commander of the
King’s Battle (1544), 94–5, 107–8,
154, 164–6, 175, 184–7, 189, 200,
202, 209–13, 217, 220, 222, 229, 235,
237–8, 244, 259, 293, 296, 362, 367,
374, 388, 392
Surrey, 230, 234n, 236n, 283, 487, 505
Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of (ex.
1546), lieutenant of Boulogne
(1545–46), 180, 213, 235, 274n, 276n,
283–4, 286–91, 294, 297, 299, 405,
429–30, 475
Sussex, 215, 222, 229, 284, 374, 389, 485
Sussex, Henry Radclie, 2nd Earl of
(c.1507–1557), 180, 505
Sweden, 61, 65
Swiss, 16, 113, 147, 149 ,155, 173, 190,
202–4, 207, 305, 307, 310n, 524–3
Taix, Jean de (1510–53), colonel des
gens de pied (1546), 47n, 89, 202–3,
275, 281, 286, 290, 303, 375, 380, 522
Tantallon castle (East Lothian), 100
Taphoren, Claes, Reienberg’s clerk of
musters, 321, 331, 338
Tents and Revels, department of, 229n,
230–1, 260–2, 459, 508; see also
Teviotdale, 101, 111–12, 115
ames, river, 109, 221, 241, 364–7,
373–4, 459
érouanne (Pas-de-Calais), 74, 84,
125–6, 128, 131–2, 136–7, 142, 152,
175, 177, 179, 190–1, 197, 220, 228,
257, 270, 275, 293, 480