556 index
342, 382, 392, 395, 399, 402–3, 406,
408–9, 422n, 424, 472–4
Metz, 171, 190, 413
Mewtas, Peter (d.1562), gentleman
of the Privy Chamber, governor
of Guernsey, commander of
arquebusiers, 109, 215, 218–9, 222–3,
230, 487
Mézières (Ardennes), 130, 335, 417
Milan, duchy of, 21, 35–6, 39–41, 62,
124, 189, 198, 393, 403, 467
Modena, Girolamo da, Italian ensign, 274
Monluc, Blaise de Monluc (1502–77),
infantry commander, lieutenant of
Guyenne, memoirist, 9, 150, 153,
203–6, 279, 281–2, 286n, 287, 358n,
359–60, 362, 522
Jean de Monluc (d.1579), protonotaire,
envoy to Constantinople, 1536, 1545,
intermediary with England, 1546,
bishop of Condom, Valence and Die,
46, 406n, 434–8, 440–55 passim
Mont, Christopher (1496/7–1572),
envoy in Germany, 315, 320, 328, 338,
331, 334, 341, 343–4, 401–2
Montmorency, Anne duc de (d.1567),
grand maître (1526) and connétable
(1538) of France, 8, 17, 37, 39–46, 51,
54, 58, 66, 288, 372n
Montmorency, see La Rochepot
Montpensier, Louis de Bourbon, duke of
(1513–82), 277, 458n, 475
Montreuil (Pas-de-Calais), 2, 74–5, 84,
125–6, 131–3, 136, 139, 140–1, 146–7,
153, 272, 274–6, 279, 287, 441n, 465;
siege of (1544), 154, 158, 160, 163,
165, 165, 172–88, 191–93, 195–7, 200,
202, 204, 226, 232–34, 238–40, 245,
263–4, 269–70, 368, 391
Morette, Charles de Solier, sr. de
(1480–1564), ambassador to England
(1534–5), 395, 457n
Morison, Richard (1510–1556),
propagandist, gentleman of the
privy chamber (1539), ambassador
to Denmark, 1546–7, to Charles V
(1550–51, 1552–3), 9, 10, 207
Morvilliers, Jean de (1507–77), bishop of
Orléans (1555), diplomat, garde des
sceaux (1568), 54, 60, 90
Pierre Moucheron (1508–67), of
Normandy, French wine merchant
and agent in Antwerp, 268, 320n
Mountjoy, Charles Blount, 5th Baron
(1516–44), 180
Navarre, see Albret, Marguerite, Jeanne
Navy, English, 362–75; administration,
363–4; and transport of troops,
220–22, 240–42, 488–93; dockyards,
363–4; shipbuilding, 364–5; artillery,
Navy, French, 347–62; Ponant, Levant,
351–4; galleys, 353–4; administration,
351–2; shipbuilding, 354–7
Netherlands/Low Countries, 4–7, 16, 18,
22, 39, 48, 64, 67, 70, 75, 77, 101, 124,
126–8, 130, 133, 135, 137, 139, 146,
151, 155, 158, 184, 188, 225, 233, 236,
238–40, 242–3, 263, 268, 274, 289,
305, 313, 315–19, 326–7, 333, 339–40,
363, 393–4, 408, 438, 470
Neufchâtel (Pas-de-Calais), 286
Newcastle, 2–3, 109, 221, 237, 291, 367,
Nice, Truce of (18 June 1538), 33–5;
siege of (1543), 112n
Nicolay, Nicolas de, sr. d’Arfeville
(1517–83), geographer, 390
Nieullay (Newnham Bridge), 174
Noirthon, sieur de, agent of Mary of
Hungary, 415
Nottinghamshire, troops from, 222
Norfolk, troops from, 222
Norfolk, omas Howard, 3rd duke of
(1473–1554), 17, 33, 39–47, 56–60,
62, 67–8, 70, 84, 89, 94–6, 120, 185,
191, 193, 198n, 202, 206, 236, 238–9,
241, 245, 255, 263–4, 296, 364–5, 374,
501, 505, 516; planning for campaign,
155, 158, 170, 202; military command,
172–84, 209–13, 216–7, 220, 224–7,
233–4, 269; and diplomacy, 1545, 392,
405, 475
Norham (Northumberland), 94, 112
Normandy, 4, 22, 32, 60, 81, 84, 102,
111, 137, 153, 156, 173, 190, 267,
277–8, 347–52, 357–8, 387, 390, 423
Northamptonshire, 216n, 227, 500
North Shields, Tynemouth, 109
Norwich, plague in, 4; and war, 20
Noyon (Oise), 130, 277n
Oliphant, Laurence, 3rd Lord (d.1566),
Olivier, François, chancelier d’Alençon,
Chancellor of France (1545), 395n,
402, 404–5, 414
Orkney and Shetland, 124
Orléans, Charles de France, duc d’
(d.1545), 2, 58–64, 67, 70, 127–8,