index 547
Bourthes (Pas-de-Calais), 177
Bowes, Robert (c.1493–1553), Warden
of the Middle March, 1545, 93–4, 139,
186, 212n, 218, 220, 487
Bowtes / Bootes bulwark (Pale of
Calais), 130, 282
Brabant, duchy of, 135, 139, 336
Brancetour, Robert, English exile at
Imperial court, voyager to Persia,
38–9, 47n, 66
Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille, abbé
commendataire de, soldier and
biographer (c.1540–1614), 26
Bredenarde, pays de (Pas-de-Calais),
129, 133, 282
Bredwell, Peter, master of Saint-
Inglevert (Sandingeld), 123
Breisach (Baden-Wurttemberg), 329
Bremen, 320, 321, 324, 337, 339
Brende, John (alias William Watson)
(1490–1560), muster-commissioner
and translator of Quintus Curtius,
315, 316n, 317n, 339
Brest (Finistère), 103, 113, 359, 371
Breton, Jean, sr. de Villandry (d.1542),
contrôleur des guerres, secrétaire des
commandements, 141n, 348, 371
Bridges, Sir John, of Sudeley
(c.1492–1557), 1st Baron Chandos,
1554, captain of the castle of
Boulogne, lieutenant governor of
Boulogne (1547), 228, 262n, 288, 480
Bristol, 4, 367, 381
Brittany/Bretons, 7, 81, 156, 173, 277,
348, 350, 352–3, 358, 370–71, 389
Browne, Sir Anthony (c.1500–48),
Master of the Horse (1539–48), 73,
80–81, 159, 177n, 184–8, 200, 210,
213, 229, 260, 368n
Brissac, Charles de Cossé, count of
(1505–63), Grand Fauconnier (1540),
colonel des gens de pied, colonel des
chevaux légers of Piedmont, 141, 144,
277, 282, 260, 368n
Bruno, Hans, von Niedbruck, physician
of Metz (c.1495–1558), father-in-law of
Sleidan, Protestant diplomat, 323n, 334,
342–3, 410–11, 413, 416, 417–25, 471
Brunswick, Braunschweig-Lüneburg-
Wolfenbüttel, Heinrich V (1489–1568),
Duke of, 319, 323–4, 337, 402n
Brussels, 49, 70, 74–5, 111, 139, 143,
162, 168, 170, 172, 392–6
Bryan, Francis (d.1550), courtier and
ambassador to France, 1533, 1535–6,
1537, 1538, to the Emperor, 1543,
vice-admiral (1543), 213, 395, 494
Brygantyn (Brigenden), John, muster
commissioner, 315, 316n, 339n
Buren, Maximiliaan van Egmont, count
of (1510–48), stadhouder of Friesland,
155–7, 164, 173–78, 180, 185, 188,
191, 193, 225, 247, 255, 312, 313n,
315, 338, 516
‘Burgundians’ / Netherlanders, 84,
125–7, 130–3, 139, 143–4, 147, 173,
176, 178, 184, 316, 394–5
Butts, William (c.1486–1545), royal
physician, 262
Calais, 6, 45, 56, 65, 80, 83, 122, 130,
134, 151, 157, 164, 167–8, 170–4, 184,
191, 193, 202–3, 212, 220, 227, 230,
238–9, 242n, 253, 259, 268, 271, 280–1,
284, 292–3, 295, 299, 311, 336, 339,
340, 387, 391–2, 395, 466; Garrison,
80, 121, 125, 129, 136, 140, 216–7,
219, 230, 244, 247, 271, 282, 283, 288,
315–6, 477; Strategic position, 22, 112,
176, 282, 394; ships of, 488; costs of,
509, 514; Pale of, 82, 120, 269, 281–2,
427, see also Bowtes bulwark; Lord
Deputies of, see Maltravers, Cobham
Cambrai (Nord), 38, 131, 142
Campbell, John, of Lundy, maître
d’hôtel to Queen Dowager of
Scotland, 11
Campfer, Holland, 98
Canche, river, 133, 177–8
Canaples, Jean IX sire de (and Créquy)
(d.1555), prince de Poix, 447, 522
Capello, Carlo, Venetian ambassador in
England (1531–35), 433
Carcès, Jean de Pontevès (1510–82),
comte de, grand sénéchal of Provence,
Carew, George (c.1504–1545), captain of
Rysbank, lieutenant general of horse
(1543), vice-admiral (1545), 150, 218,
359, 373, 486
Carlisle, 94, 110, 510
Carne, Edward (c.1496–1561),
ambassador to Cleves, 1538, to
the queen of Hungary (1541–42,
1544–48), 51, 122, 274n, 339, 402, 438
Cartier, Jacques (1491–1557) of Saint-
Malo, explorer, 353
Cary, John (c.1491–1552), of Plashey,
groom of Privy chamber, vice-admiral
(1542), 22, 215