232 Micro- and Nanomanufacturing
is the source term, which represents the work done by the
viscous and pressure forces.
Equation of State,
For high-speed flows, the density of the fluid changes with pres-
sure and temperature, i.e., the fluid is compressible, therefore the
equation of state plays an important role. The equation of state for an
ideal gas is given as:
pRT (5.52)
Where p is fluid pressure, p is the density of the fluid, T is the
temperature of the fluid and R is the gas constant and is equal to
286.9 J/kg. K for air as an ideal gas.
5.6.7 Method of Solution
The parameter "pressure coefficient" was defined to determine
the pressure variation across the rotor.
Pressure coefficient =
~ ™" (5.53)
* inlet
Where P
maximum pressure exerted by air on the rotor, P
= minimum pressure exerted by air on the rotor, and
= air pres-
sure at the inlet. Maximum pressure and minimum pressure exerted
by air can be obtained by CFX-Post. Inlet pressure was considered
for determining the pressure coefficient to non-dimensionalize the
value of the pressure coefficient, as the inlet pressure (60 psi) was
standard for all geometries considered for numerical simulation.