evolutionary theory and, 379, 750
for God’s existence, 26, 56,
209–215, 379, 382, 603–604,
763, 764
Hume’s critique of, 211, 382, 441,
751, 877
Intelligent Design and, 190,
210–211, 463, 764, 876
Kant’s critique of, 211, 877
natural theology and, 104,
603–604, 763
neo–Darwinism versus, 737
Newton’s belief in, 26, 621–622
scriptural traditions and, 789
teleological argument as,
209–215, 876, 877, 878
twentieth–century arguments for,
in twenty–first century, 212–215
Two Books metaphor and, 905
Design–Centered Anthropic
Principle, 14
“Designer babies,” 68, 70, 147, 273,
357, 361–362, 367, 422, 424,
Desmond, Adrian, 200
Desmond, William, 922
Destutt de Tracy,
Antoine–Louis–Claude, 540
De substantia orbis (Averroës), 48
Determination of the Coordinates of
Positions for the Correction of
Distances between Cities, The
(al–Biruni), 474–475
Determinism, 216–217
Calvinism and, 89, 704
causation and, 91, 222, 573
chance versus, 96, 97, 212
Chaos Theory and, 101, 102,
classical physics and, 98, 667
divine action and, 222
divine providence and, 102
dualism versus, 230
ethnicity and, 272
freedom versus, 217, 335,
336–337, 364, 812–813
genetic. See Genetic determinism
hidden–variables theories and,
indeterminism versus, 216, 337,
karma and, 499
laws of nature and, 509
materialism and, 539, 541
mind–brain interaction and,
in modern science, 336–337
nature versus nurture and, 337,
neuroscience and, 616
omnipotence and, 217, 336
omniscience and, 898–899
process theology’s rejection of,
providence and, 704
psychophysical laws and, 573,
quantum uncertainty versus,
72–73, 97, 98, 216, 337, 392,
675, 839
religious thought and, 675
scientific spirituality and,
sociobiology and, 809–813
theistic, 97
three–part, 337, 338, 364
types of, 38, 216–217, 337, 364
See also Predestination
De Trinitate (Augustine), 44
Deus ex machina, 383, 384
skyhooks and, 807
Deuterium, 99, 866–867
Deutsch, Helene, 495
Devaney, Robert, 101
Development, social and economic
cultural development and, 193,
194, 195
modernity and, 580–582
See also Ecology, ethics of;
Economics; Globalization;
Developmental neurosciences, 613
Devil, the. See Satan
De Vries, Hugo. See Vries, Hugo de
De Waal, Frans, 699
Dewey, John, 59, 596
empiricism and, 260
pragmatism and, 694, 695
value theory and, 913, 914, 921,
Dharma, 217–218
ecology and, 403, 404
meaning of, 76, 218
mutual dependence and, 78
Diabetes, 360, 367, 842
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM), 840
Dialectic, 246, 887
Dialectical materialism, 538,
541–542, 565
Dialogal personalism, 794
Dialogue. See Models; Science and
religion, methodologies;
Science and religion, models
and relations
Dialogue (Galileo), 142, 180–181
Dialogue on the Two Chief World
Systems (Galileo), 349, 351
Dialogues Concerning Natural
Religion (Hume), 211, 441, 498,
751, 877
Dialogue with Trypho ( Justin
Martyr), 25
Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 352
Dick, Philip K., 777, 778
Dictionnaire historique et critique
(Bayle), 538
Diderot, Denis, 56, 440, 520, 539,
Difference, as postmodern value,
Differential equations, 331
Differential reproduction, 213, 281,
293, 613, 790
Digges, Thomas, 136–137
Digital computer. See Computers
Digitalization, 456, 457, 458–459,
Dignity, human, 422, 424, 425–426,
“designer babies” and, 367
xenotransplantation and, 931
See also Medical ethics;
Dijksterhuis, E. J., 752
Dilation and evacuation (D&E), 1
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 163, 394, 690,
Diluvium, causes of, 90
geometric spaces and, 372–373
superstring theory and, 845
See also Fourth dimension; Space
and time
Dinosaur, 639
Dioxin, 243
Dirac, Paul, 332, 669, 672
Direct god–experiences, 650
Directionality. See Convergence
Discalced Carmelites, 585–586
Discontinuous variation, 558
Discourse, artificial intelligence and,
Discourse on the Comets (Galileo),
Discourse on the Method
(Descartes), 206, 207, 375
Discourse on Two New Sciences
(Galileo), 351
Discourse pluralism, 683, 684
Discourse theory of truth, 903
Discrimination. See Genetic
discrimination; Race; Sexual
clinical neurosciences and, 615
Daoist prescriptions text for, 111
eugenics and, 273
faith healing and, 829–830,
gene therapy for, 68, 356, 360,
361, 365, 419
genetic, 1–2, 65–66, 68, 225,
358–359, 361, 370, 419, 420,
531, 584
genetically engineered
pharmaceuticals and, 360, 364
placebo effect and, 676–678
— 967—