War of the Worlds (Wells), 777
Warring States period (471–220
B.C.E.), 115, 117, 199
Washoe (chimpanzee), 699
Wasimann, Friedrich, 685
Wasps. See Hymenoptera
Watchmaker analogy. See
Clockwork universe
Water clock, Daoist, 112
Waters, chaos associated with, 98,
Watson, James
DNA double–helix structure
discovery by, 65, 363, 366, 530
Human Genome Project and,
420, 421, 425
Watson, John B., 59
Watts, Fraser, 773, 827
Wave function, 14, 72
classical physics equations and,
field theories and, 330, 416, 6666
gravitational, 718
holism and, 413
matrix mechanis and, 672
new physics and, 618
probability determination by, 452
quantum chaos and, 98
Wavelength values, 666
Wave mechanics, 72, 671, 672, 895
Wave–particle duality, 925
Bohr complementarity and,
72–73, 762
Buddhist and Daoist duality
analogy with, 676
as paradox, 649, 670, 925
Planck time and, 679
quantum physics and, 332, 542,
670, 672
science–religion independence
model and, 757, 762
Way. See Dao
Way of Heaven, 184
W boson, 387, 844
Weak Anthropic Principle, 13, 214
definition of, 14, 16
Weak artificial intelligence. See
Functional artificial intelligence
Weak nuclear interaction, 329, 333,
334, 387–388, 669, 844, 848
Weak pluralism. See Substantival
Weak supervenience, 574
Weaponry, 459
nuclear, 253, 265, 566, 624, 625,
technological ethics and, 866,
871, 917
Weather forecasting . See
Weber, Max, 129, 246, 692, 839
on process of disenchantment,
847, 848
sociology of religion and, 814,
815, 816, 817–818
Webster, Charles, 752
Wedgwood, Emma. See Darwin,
Emma Wedgwood
We Have Never Been Modern
(Serres), 692
Weinberg, Steven, 39, 213, 214, 277,
electroweak theory and, 330, 387
Nobel Prize in physics, 493
Weinberg–Salam–Glashow theory,
Weismann, August, 609
Weiss, Paul, 643
Weizenbaum, Joseph, 458
Weizsäcker, Carl F. von, 383, 457
Welker, Michael, 606, 772
Welles, Orson, 777
Wells, H. G., 777
Wernicke, Carl, 612
Wertheim, Margaret, 323–324
Wesley, John and Charles, 121
Westminster Abbey, 619
Westminster Confession and
Catechisms (1646–1647), 89
Westminster Dictionary of Christian
Ethics, 482
Westra, Laura, 235
Wetware, artificial life, 38
Whataever Happened to the Soul?
(project report), 773
What Dreams May Come
(Beresford), 778
What is Darwinism? (Hodge), 138
What is Life? (Schrödinger), 522
Wheeler, John, 14, 168
When Worlds Converge (eds.
Matthews, Tucker, and Hefner),
Whewell, William, 120, 659–660
Whirlpools, 218
Whiston, William, 181, 623
White, Andrew Dickson, 177, 752
White, Lynn, Jr., 871
White, Randall, 195
White dwarf star, 39
Whitefield, George, 121
Whitehead, Alfred North, 925–928
“all things flow” phrase of, 700
apologetics and, 26
concept of God and, 650,
free procee defense and, 339
kenosis and, 500
life and influences, 925–926
mathematics and, 380, 547
modern atomism and, 42
on modernity and science, 580
naturalism and, 596
on panentheism and, 642, 643
panexperientialist hypothesis
and, 701
process theology and, 126, 199,
220–221, 250, 255, 256, 336,
400, 454, 594, 643, 701, 759,
886, 887
on science and religion
relationship, 749, 765
self–organization and, 797
symbolic artifical intelligence
and, 32
value and, 914
Whiten, Andrew, 194, 699
Whole–part causation, 413–414. See
also Downward causation
Whole/part difference. See
Whole systems. See Holism
Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
(MacIntyre), 165
Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?
(Harding), 165
“Why Alternative Medicine Cannot
Be Evidence–Based” (Tonelli
and Callahan), 832
Why questions. See Explanation
Wieman, Henry Nelson, 260, 261,
Wiener, Norbert, 153, 160, 196
Wigner, Eugene, 674, 675
Wilberforce, Samuel, 26, 300, 639
Wilcox, David, 23
Wilcox, Fred, 35
Wildman, Wesley J., 448, 772
Wilkie, William, 442
Wilkins, Maurice, 530
William of Conches, 562
William of Ockham, 56, 374, 398,
454, 883
open future model of, 899–900
Williams, Duncan, 78
Williams, George, 285, 286
Williams, Rowan, 884, 887
Willis, Thomas, 611
Willstaetter, Richard, 493
“Will to Believe, The” ( James), 40
Wilmut, Ian, 365, 367, 425, 733
Wilson, David Sloan, 195, 285
Wilson, Edward O.
aggression theory and, 6
on art origins, 31
atheism and, 378, 634
behavioral genetics and, 809–810
behavior theory and, 60
biological pessimism, 703
biophilia term coining by, 838
on economic behavior, 246
epigenetic rules and, 290
science–religion conflict thesis
and, 761, 768, 772
scientism and, 783
selfish gene and, 796
sociobiology and, 6, 363, 634,
706, 761
Wilson, George, 104–105
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