computer modeling of, 161
consciousness studies and,
critical property of, 612
emergence and, 257
formation from stem cells of, 613
Freud’s contribution to study of,
as independent cell, 612
mind–brain relationship and, 413
neurophysiological studies of,
610, 611, 612–613
stem cell renewal of, 367
See also Neural networks;
Neuropharmacology, 613, 615
Neurophenomenology, 160, 162
Neurophysiology, 610
behaviorism and, 60
brain studies and, 612
cell system studies and, 610, 611,
computer modeling and, 161
meditation and, 832
spiritual experience and, 308,
312, 314, 556, 615–616, 835
Neuropsychological Bases of God
Beliefs (Persinger), 800
Neuropsychology, 610, 707
immune system and, 614
religious experience studies,
307–309, 314, 615–616, 617,
707, 709, 726, 773, 800
self–transcendence and, 800
spirituality and, 827, 835
symbolic references and, 508
Neuro–reductionism, 161
Neurosciences, 610–617
Buddhism and, 79
Chaos Theory and, 101, 102, 160
clinical, 614
consciousness studies, 158, 159,
160–161, 309–310, 614–616
determinism and, 337
developmental, 613
emotions studies and, 763
fields covered by, 610, 611
functionalism and, 344
history of, 611–612
Jewish scientists and, 494
mind–brain interaction studies,
574–575, 615–616, 773, 832, 835
mystical experience perspective
and, 588–589, 726
neural Darwinism and, 610
philosophy of, 616
religious experience studies,
307–310, 312, 313, 314,
379–380, 615–616, 617–618,
697–698, 707–708, 709, 726,
773, 827–828, 832, 835
self–organization and, 798
self–transcendence and, 799–800
sensory and motor, 613–614
spirit concepts and, 827–828
supervenience and, 849–851
theological compatibilism with,
Neurotheology, 616, 617–618, 726
Buddhism and, 79
spirit and, 827–828
Neurotransmitters, 310, 613, 614
Neutral monism, 583
Neutrinos, 387
Neutrons, 330, 668
anthropic coincidences and, 15
atomic models and, 42
quark confinement and, 669
wavelike aspects of, 925
Neutron stars, 39, 71
Neville, Robert Cummings, 260, 883,
New Age movement, 521, 645, 693
New Atlantis, The (F. Bacon), 565
Newberg, Andrew, 276, 307, 314,
615–616, 707, 800
Newbigin, Lesslie, 860
New Book on the Investigation of
Astronomical Phenomena
(Zhao Youqin), 112
Newman, John Henry, 26, 319, 321,
New Organon (Bacon), 658, 659
New physics, 618, 670–671
science–religion dialogue and,
See also Grand Unified Theory;
Physics, particle; Physics,
New science. See Scientific
Newsletters. See Science and
religion, periodical literature
New Testament
afterlife and, 519
apologetics and, 25
Augustine and, 43, 44
on celestiel realm, 846
Christian fundamentalism and,
eschatology and, 417
faith healing and, 134
healing and, 553, 829
historical criticism and, 411–412
Holy Spirit in, 415, 830
hope in, 417
human embodiment in, 436
imago dei in, 449
key interpretative texts in, 787
on natural knowledge of God,
on resurrection of Jesus, 518
sin and, 806
spirit and, 826, 830
as theological source, 885
See also Scriptural interpretation;
specific books
Newton, Isaac, 101, 103, 117, 137,
Anglicanism and, 120, 620
argument from design of, 26, 56,
Aristotelianism and, 27
atomism and, 42
biocultural evolution pattern and,
288, 289, 290
calculus discovery and, 375, 545,
619, 750
causation and, 94, 337
cosmology and, 170, 179, 181,
182, 316, 375, 619, 622, 667
design argument and, 26,
determinism and, 452, 453
divine action and, 135–136, 170,
181, 182, 219, 220, 667, 750
end–time computation by, 263
Euclidean geometry and, 375
gravitation law of, 90, 94, 170,
171, 181, 330, 331, 389, 533,
545, 619, 663–664, 665, 822,
hypothesis rejection by, 658–659
law of inertia and, 719, 823
law of motion and, 294, 545, 663,
664, 665, 691, 823, 893
laws as paradigms, 652–653
laws of nature and, 509, 510,
545, 823, 838
life and accomplishments of,
locality and, 533
materialism and, 398, 542
mathematics and, 545, 546, 619,
823, 838
mechanistic science and, 120,
135, 210, 212, 248, 249, 337,
509, 542, 663–664, 667, 847
metaphoric use by, 560, 666
millennialism and, 566, 620–621
natural philosophy and, 781
natural theology and, 125, 210,
619, 621–623, 764
papal message (1988) on, 143
physico–theology and, 372
physics and, 542, 546
planetary elliptical orbits theory
and, 619, 659, 667, 823
rationality and, 140
on science–religion relationship,
749, 764
scientific method and, 658–659,
660, 780
scientific revolution and,
140–141, 591, 780
theological views of, 40, 181,
427, 619–623, 629, 667, 675,
824, 838, 906
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