Hobbes’s deterministic
materialism and, 539
infinity and, 453–454
inflationary cosmology and, 174,
matter and, 542
Planck era and, 845
postmodernism and, 691
Riemannian, 372–373, 375, 823
singularities, 62, 99, 389, 807
Steady State Theory and, 841
string theory and, 844, 845
symmetries and, 853
O and, 859
See also Time: physical and
biological aspects
“Space and Time” (Minkowski), 824
Space exploration, extraterrestrial
life search and, 306, 316–318
Space–time. See Space and time
medieval Jewish science in, 482,
488–489, 489–490, 492, 535
medieval mysticism in, 585–586
medieval semiotics in, 802
Spandrel concept (Gould), 385
Sparta, 680
SPCA. See Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals
Speaking in tongues, 134, 707–708
Special creationism (episodic), 188
Special divine action, 221–223, 747,
clockwork universe versus, 145
miracles and, 575–576, 825, 826
Special providence, 642–643, 747,
Special revelation. See Revelation
Special Theory of Relativity. See
Relativity, Special Theory of
definition of, 639
rapid modes of, 296
symbiogenesis and, 852
adaptive radiation and, 295–296
aggression specific to, 6
biodiversity of, 62, 201, 242,
competition among and
between, 150
Darwin’s studies of, 200, 201
definition of, 295
descent with change of, 609
differentiation influences on, 639
DNA differences in, 362–363
ecological ethics and, 238
ecological studies of, 242
embodiment and, 254
endangered, 62, 243, 250
essentialist fixed view of, 639
evolutionary origins of, 280,
295–296, 298–301, 300, 606
extinction of, 39, 62, 63, 90, 200,
229, 299–300, 638, 639, 640,
gap (day–age) evolution theory
and, 133–134
genetic changes in, 294–295, 303,
530, 559
genetic coupled systems and, 155
genetic engineering and, 64, 65
germline invention concerns
about, 356–357
God’s love for each, 531
Hindu view of, 404
human uniqueness among, 436,
437, 449, 528, 552, 582,
699–700, 740–741
Lamarckism and, 5034
level and value of, 527
levels of selection and, 791, 796
linguistic competence and, 504
missing link and, 577–578
multiple evolutionary influences
on, 639
mutation rates and, 294, 303, 359
punctuated equilibrium theory
and, 384, 709
reciprocal altruism and, 285, 809
sacred designations for, 419
selective breeding and, 64, 65
selfish gene concept and,
similarities between, 11, 63
“single species hypothesis” and,
sociobiological view of, 60, 364
symbiosis, 852
total number of existing, 62
transgenic, 65
variations in, 200, 201
xenotransplantation and, 358,
532, 931
See also Evolution, biological;
Evolution, human
SPECT scans, 614
Speed of light, 15, 332, 533, 666,
675, 894
inertial reference frames and,
719, 824
Spemann, Hans, 153
Spencer, Herbert, 138, 815
evolution theory and, 286,
functionalism and, 343
laissez–faire economics and, 811
progress and, 703
theory of religion and, 727, 814
Sperm, 732–733
Sperry, Roger W., 413
Spielberg, Steven, 35, 777, 910
Spinal muscular atrophy, 733
Spinoza, Baruch, 312, 441
conception of God of, 627
as deep ecology influence, 205
double aspect theory and, 570
as Einstein influence, 41, 253, 496
Judaism and, 492, 495
monism and, 258, 572, 582, 583,
629, 645, 683
pantheistic naturalism and, 596,
645, 650
philosophical axioms of, 546
scriptural interpretation and, 411
theology of, 886
Spin particles, 268–269, 330, 332,
844, 848
Spirit, 826–828
as breath of life, 527, 684, 723,
826, 830
definitions of, 826, 830
field theories and, 416
Hegel’s concept of, 446, 569,
645, 878–879
Holy Spirit and, 415–416, 418,
684, 830
human distinctiveness and, 528
See also Soul; Spirituality
Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, The
(Herder), 411
Spiritualism, 313, 520
Spirituality, 828–830
contemporary understandings of,
829, 837–838
ecofeminism and, 234
faith and, 319–321
faith healing and, 829–830,
feminist theology and, 328
gene–based human evolution
and, 227
health and, 829–830, 832,
835–836, 840
Hinduism and, 405, 408–409
as human quality, 572
Idealism and, 602, 603
imago dei doctrine and, 449–450
interdisciplinary study of, 830
language and, 508
liberation and, 513–516
meanings of, 828
meditation and, 556, 696,
mysticism and, 585–589
neurocognitive origins of,
307–309, 827, 828
neuroscientific study of, 615–616,
order and, 633
practices of, 828–829
prayer and meditation and,
696–697, 828
psychological benefits of,
553–554, 707, 828
self–transcendence and, 799–800,
827, 829
virtual reality communities and,
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