Evolutionary psychology
cultural development and, 194,
195, 290
evolutionary epistemology and,
imago dei belief and, 379
nature versus nurture and,
See also Sociobiology
Evolutionary scenario, 640
Evolutionary Synthesis, 639
Evolutionary tree, 640
Evolution, biocultural, 287–291
aggression and, 6
altruism and, 9, 195, 277, 334,
795, 835
anthropology and, 23
artificial life and, 37
behavioral ecology and, 243
biosemiotics and, 63–64
Christian afterlife concept and,
competition and, 149–150
cultural origins and, 194–195
design argument and, 202, 211,
531, 750
economic theory and, 246
ethics and, 285–286, 289, 811
evolutionary epistemology and,
281, 283–285, 287, 289–290,
evolutionary psychology and,
287, 706–707
functionalism and, 344
genetic determinism and, 337
Gould’s critiques and, 761
group selection and, 791
hermeneutics and, 393
human language ability and,
memes and, 289, 290, 556–557
naturalism and, 594, 596
purpose belief and, 879
religious experience and, 708
self–transcendence and, 800
sin and, 806
sociobiology and, 58, 60, 194,
363, 379, 532, 706, 795–796,
spirit and, 827
value scientism and, 784–785
Evolution, biological, 291–298
adaptation and, 4, 26, 235, 277,
281, 295, 300, 303, 584
alternatives to Darwinian, 281
apologetics and, 25, 26
art origins and, 30, 31
chance and, 764
cladistics and, 639–640
complexity theory and, 151, 155
convergence in, 166–168
death and, 881
descent with change theory. See
design argument and, 212, 214,
discontinuous variation and, 558
ecology and, 235, 249
emergent processes and, 257–258
equilibrium and, 809
explanation model and, 655
fitness and, 333–334, 527
fossil record as evidence of, 62,
280, 291–292, 296, 577, 638,
genetic adaptation and, 226, 531
genetic engineering and, 63
Gould’s non–Darwian arguments
for, 384–385, 761
gradualism theory and, 90, 281,
296, 300, 301, 386, 558, 609,
638, 639
gravitation and, 388
group selection and, 790
hermeneutics and, 393
history of ideas of, 280, 638–639
Intelligent Design versus, 213
Islamic responses to, 773
levels of selection and, 790–791
life formation and, 523, 530
Mendelian genetics and, 558, 609
mutation and, 200, 201, 300, 303,
364, 559, 584, 609, 633, 764,
877, 878
naturalized epistemology and,
natural selection and, 38, 39, 40,
62, 63, 65, 122, 132, 200, 201,
202, 213, 277, 280, 281, 283,
285–289, 293, 294, 295, 299,
303, 305, 364, 530, 531, 577,
584, 609, 639, 764, 790,
neo–Darwinism and, 609
neo–Lamarckism and, 503–504
niche construction and, 505
origins of life and, 523–526
paleontology and, 638–639
philosophy of religion and,
primatology and, 698–700
process thought and, 241, 338,
progress and, 702
punctuated equilibrium theory
and, 193, 281, 296, 386, 639,
random order in, 633, 877, 878
religious implications of. See
Evolution, theology of
science–religion conflict model
and, 760
selective breeding and, 65
self–organization and, 798
suffering and death and, 277, 278
symbiosis and, 852
Teilhard de Chardin’s theory of,
249, 300, 306, 415–416,
451–452, 640–641, 874–876,
878, 879
teleology and, 213, 640, 877–878
three issues in, 291
Two Book metaphor and, 907
as uncontested, 62
See also Sociobiology
Evolution, human, 298–301
altruism and, 285
Anthropic Principle and, 13–17,
171, 173–174, 382, 878
ape–like ancestors and, 698
archaeology and, 299, 431
artificial intelligence and, 35
Baháhí belief and, 54–55
biocultural. See Evolution,
cognitive fluidity and, 148
common ancestor theory and, 62,
149, 291, 292, 300, 577, 578,
convergence and, 167–168
created co–creator concept and,
183, 425
cultural origins and, 193–195
Darwin’s natural selection theory
and, 200, 202, 277, 288
dating of, 280, 292, 505
emotions and, 433–435
epistemology and, 283–284
evolutionary ethics and, 285, 289
evolutionary psychology and,
287, 288, 379
fall and, 278
fossil record and, 298–299,
genera and species and, 301, 302
genetic forces in, 363, 364–365
genetic futurism and, 365
genetic natural selection and,
genetics and, 226–227
genetic technology and, 337
gradualism and, 300, 301, 638,
human distinctiveness and, 528
human intervention in, 63
human nature and, 437–438
Huxley’s defense of Darwinian
theory of, 300, 751
intelligence and, 740
language ability and, 504–506
levels of selection and, 790–791
missing link and, 577–578
mitochondrial Eve hypothesis
and, 578
paleoanthropology and, 23,
298–301, 430–431, 577–578, 637
paleontology and, 640–641
physical aspects of, 429–434
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