Joint Appeal Against Human and
Animal Patenting (1995), 352
Joking, anthropologic perspectives
on, 22
Jonah, Book of, 787, 899
Jones, Matthew, 208
Jones Institute for Reproductive
Medicine (Norfolk, Va.), 732
Joseph, Jonathan ben, 492
Joseph II, Emperor of Austria, 493
Josephson, Brian David, 493
Joshua, Book of, 61, 179
Joshua ben Hanaya, 477–478
Joule, James Prescott, 560
Journal of Consciousness Studies,
158–159, 162
Journal of Halacha and
Contemporary Society, The, 481
Journal of Islamic Science, 767
Journal of the Faith and Science
Exchange, 768
Journals. See Science and religion,
periodical literature; specific
Journey to the Center of the Earth
(Verne), 777
Judaism, 477–483
afterlife belief and, 205, 490–491,
517–518, 519
animal rights and, 10, 11–12
anthropocentrism and, 19
chaos and, 99
converts from, 495
cosmological argument of, 169
creatio ex nihilo belief and, 184
creation beliefs and, 185, 477,
482, 486, 489, 491, 527, 536,
divine action and, 218
ecotheology and, 241, 419
end–time beliefs and, 262–263
evil and suffering beliefs and,
276, 278, 880
feminist theology and, 327
fundamentalism and, 346
Genesis creation interpretation
and, 355–356
God’s attributes and, 378, 379,
436, 491
golem tradition in, 740, 741
human nature perspective and,
11–12, 436
imago dei belief and, 449, 740,
741, 812
infinity conception and, 453
Kabbalism and, 336, 396, 453,
linguistic hermeneutics and, 396
medicine and, 478, 480, 482, 487,
492, 493, 494–495, 536, 843
Messiah belief and, 144
millennialism and, 564
monotheism and, 378, 583
mysticism and, 336, 396, 453,
479, 492, 587, 590, 799
philosophy of religion and, 649
Platonism and, 544, 681
providence and, 704
rabbinic tradition and, 396,
477–478, 486–487
religious experience and, 308
resurrection belief and, 518
sacraments and, 744
scientists’ ethnic versus religious
identity with, 495–496
scriptural interpretation and, 394,
482, 485, 536, 786–787, 788,
self–transcendence and, 799
sin perspective and, 806
soul concept and, 517–518, 820
special providence and, 825
spirit concept and, 826, 830
technology and, 870
theodicy problem and, 880
theology and, 883, 885, 886
time concept and, 896
ultimate and, 915
unifying religious narrative and,
See also Hebrew Bible; Holocaust
Judaism, contemporary issues in
science and religion, 480–482,
abortion perspective, 2
apologetics and, 26
chemistry and, 105
reproductive technology and, 66,
481, 487, 494, 735
stem cell research and, 843
Judaism, history of science and
religion, medieval period,
477–479, 482, 487–491
Aristotelianism and, 26–27, 28,
478, 479, 488, 489, 492, 536
Maimonides and, 169, 478–479,
482, 485, 488–489, 490, 491,
492, 496, 535–536, 787, 896–897
scriptural interpretation and, 787
See also Kabbalah
Judaism, history of science and
religion, modern period,
biocultural evolution theory and,
Einstein and, 252, 253, 493, 494,
495, 496
Holocaust eugenics and, 272,
273, 808
legal emancipation effects on,
480, 493
Newton’s theology and, 620–621,
Nobel Prize winners, 493–494
Judas Rose, The (Elgin), 778
Judicial medical ethics, 549
Julian of Norwich, 590
Jung, Carl, 588, 854, 910
Jupiter (planet), 180, 182
exobiology and, 306, 317
Galileo’s telescopic observations
of, 350
moons of, 306, 317, 350
Jurassic Park (film), 777
altruism and, 9
cloning and, 147
ecofeminism and, 233
ecological ethics and, 234
ecotheology and, 250
Einstein and, 253
ethnicity and race and, 271–272
global ethic and, 856
liberation theology and, 516, 517
modernity and, 581
natural law and, 600
Radical Reform Christian
reconciliation and, 135, 136
theodicy and, 880
See also Distributive justice
Justinian, emperor of Rome, 178
Justin Martyr, 25, 144, 519, 905
Just war doctrine, 916, 917
Juzjani, al–, 49, 50
Kabbalah, 336, 396, 453, 479, 480,
482, 490, 492
golem tradition and, 740, 741
kenosis and, 501
as mystical tradition, 587
Kaehler, Martin, 412
Kak, Subhas, 406
Kálanos, 409
Kaliyuga (Hindu cycle), 262
Kami (Shinto), 803, 804, 805
Kaniska, King of Kusana, 83
Kanner, Leo, 495
Kant, Immanuel, 26, 497–499, 520,
anthropocentrism and, 18, 19
autopoiesis concept and, 46
causation and, 94, 95
complexity and, 153
constructivism and, 164
cosmological argument critique
by, 169
critical realism and, 191
design argument critique by, 211,
on ends, 425, 913
epistemology and, 283, 376,
Euclidean geometry and, 375,
evolution and, 280
— 997—