biotechnology and, 68, 69
DNA and, 225–226, 296–297, 360,
362, 420, 523, 530, 584
emergent properties and, 257
evolution of, 296–297
genetically modified plants and,
genetic engineering and, 360
human genome and, 420
immune system and, 432, 433
RNA and, 526
systematic study of, 69
Proteomics, 69
Protestant ethic, 346, 816, 817, 818
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, The (Weber), 814,
816, 817, 818
artistic representation and, 56
biblical literalism and, 179, 394,
divine action and, 221–223
faith and, 847
fundamentalist movement and,
346, 785–786, 885
germline intervention as
eugenics fears and, 424
hermeneutics and, 394
imago dei interpretations and,
natural law and, 600
natural theology and, 621–622
Nazism and, 212
non–Anglican scientists and, 120
Radical Reformers and, 135–136
reproductive technology and, 65,
66, 734
rise of science and, 768, 818
sacramental downplaying in, 739,
science–religion relationship and,
125, 126, 752, 788–789
stem cell research and, 842–843
theological sources and, 885–886
view of nature and, 248–249, 250
view of supernaturalism and,
847, 848
See also Calvin, John; Calvinism;
Christianity headings; Luther,
Martin; Reformation
Proto–culture, 194
Protons, 330, 668
atomic models and, 42
fermions and, 844
fine–tuned anthropic
coincidences and, 15
Grand Unified Theory and, 387
quark confinement and, 669
Proudfoot, Wayne, 313, 727
Prout, William, 103, 104, 668
Provence (France), medieval Jewish
science in, 482, 489–490, 492
Proverbs, Book of, 780, 786
Providence, 704–705
autopoiesis and, 47
chance as, 765
cosmology and, 769–770
Darwinian natural selection
versus, 303
emergence and, 258–259
general versus particular, 704,
Hume’s argument against, 441
laws of nature and, 305
miracles and, 575
Newton’s versus Leibniz’s view
of, 622
omnipotence and, 628
omnipresence and, 628
panentheism and, 643
Plato and, 153
progressionist denial of, 702
scope of, 826
special, 642–643, 747, 825–826
theology of evolution and, 305
Thomas Aquinas and, 562
Prozac, 613
Psalms, Book of, 98, 119, 415, 417,
477, 620, 800, 905
key chapters and verses, 786
Pseudo–Dionysius, 99, 313, 398,
Psyche (free–soul), 517, 518, 818,
Psyche (journal), 158, 159
Buddhism and, 84, 85
Jewish scientists and, 494, 495
drive theory of aggression in, 6
Freud and, 341, 495, 730, 837,
morality assessment in, 584
self theories in, 793
Psychofunctionalism, 344
Psychokinesis, 696–697
Psychologism, 376
Psychology, 705–708
art origins and, 30
as atheological, 706
behavioral genetics and, 58–59
behaviorism and, 58, 59–61, 706
biological, 706–707
consciousness studies and, 158,
159, 160, 161
emotions–body relationship and,
433–434, 554
evolutionary, 246, 284, 287, 706
facial expressions and, 433
Freud and, 341, 394, 691, 706,
837, 838
Jewish scientists and, 495
materialism and, 538, 541
mind–body interaction and, 614,
mind–brain interaction and,
574–575, 610, 707
morality perspective and, 584
mysticism and, 587–588
omnipotence belief and, 627
placebo effect and, 676–678
prayer and, 697
primatology and, 699
of religious experience and,
311–314, 707–708, 773, 828
science–religion dialogue and,
self and, 705–708, 792–794
selfish gene concept and, 796
self theories and, 792–793
self–transcendence and, 800
sin theories and, 806
of spiritual development, 828
tacit knowledge and, 859–860
values and, 723
See also Neuropsychology
“Psychology as a Behaviorist Views
It” (Watson), 59
Psychology of religion, 707–708,
Freud’s views and, 341–343, 837,
reductionism and, 838
religious experience and,
311–314, 707–708, 837
self and, 794
self–transcendence and, 800
soul and, 819
Psychology: The Study of Behavior
(McDougall), 59
Psychomysticism, 589
Psychoneuroimmunology, 614
Psychopharmacology, 615
Psychophysical laws, 573, 574, 575
Psychophysical parallelism, 572, 573
Psychosis, 588
Avicenna’s study of, 50, 51
cosmology of, 178, 371, 375, 480,
665, 681, 822
descriptive astronomy of, 56
Jewish medieval science and,
Public health, 840
Public property. See Gene
patenting; Property rights
Pullman, Philip, 692, 848
Punctuated equilibrium, 281, 296,
cultural origins and, 193
Gould and, 384, 385
gradualism versus, 386, 639,
Puppet determinism, 359
Puranas, 403, 408
Pure consciousness, 158
Pure Consciousness Events (PCEs),
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