Nation states, 579–580, 916
Native Americans
ecosystem respect by, 419
gene patenting opposition by,
pantheism and, 645
Natorp, Paul, 496
Natural and Divine Law (Porter),
Natural evil. See Evil and suffering
Natural freedom, 336, 337, 338
Natural history. See Biology
Natural History (magazine), 385
Natural History (Paley), 120
Natural History of Religion, The
(Hume), 442, 726
Naturalism, 593–597
anthropology of religion and, 24
Cartesian, 207
consciousness and, 160–161
Darwinism equated with, 122,
empiricism and, 259
genetic engineering as counter
to, 365
idealism and, 446
metaphysics and, 562
natural law and, 600
origins of science and, 781
process theology and, 759
as reductionism, 715
religious, 596–597, 634, 726, 751
science–religion dialogue and,
751, 827–828
sin interpretations and, 806
skyhooks metaphor and, 807
soft versus hard, 593
soul and, 819
supernaturalism versus, 594,
“Two–Newton” thesis and, 619
worldview and, 929
See also Pantheism
Naturalistic fallacy, 597–598
hermeneutics and, 393
sin explanation and, 806
Naturalized epistemology, 598–599
Natural killer (NK) cells, 432
Natural law theory, 599–601
determinism versus free will and,
divine action and, 219, 562
divine reason and, 606
evangelical Christianity and,
evolution and, 280, 286, 287
existence of God and, 382, 562,
freedom and, 336
individual rights and, 551
medical ethics and, 551
panentheism and, 642
sociobiology and, 812
Natural ontological attitude, 654
Natural order. See Order
Natural philosophy
Kant and, 497–499
Newton and, 781
as origin of science, 781
scriptural interpretation and,
See also Greek philosophy;
Natural theology; Philosophy of
science; Science, origins of;
Science and religion; types of
Natural Religion and Christian
Theology (Raven), 121
Natural resources
economic theories and, 244, 245
management of, 19, 248
renewable and nonrenewable,
237, 248
See also Ecology; Ecology, ethics
of; Ecology, science of;
Natural selection. See Evolution,
biological; Selection, levels of
Natural theology, 601–605
Anglicanism and, 120
apologetics and, 26
Barth’s critique of, 211–112, 604,
737, 751
chemistry and, 103, 106
contemporary assessment of,
definition of, 211–212, 763
Enlightenment critiques of, 907
evolution and, 126, 764, 808
existence of God and, 378, 381,
382, 601–602, 621–622, 763–764
exterrestrial life search and, 317
fall and, 321–322
functional analysis and, 345
Kant’s critique of, 211, 312
Lutheran distrust of, 128, 129
Luther’s renunciation of, 127
neo–orthodox Christian rejection
of, 126
Newton and, 125, 210, 619,
621–623, 764
political use of, 751
revelation and, 736, 737
scientific compatibilism with,
125, 126, 602, 750–751, 763–764
scientific revolution and, 210
Thomas Aquinas’s definition of,
twentieth–century rejection of,
211–212, 604
Two Books metaphor and,
Whewell’s philosophy of science
and, 659–660
See also Design; Design argument
Natural Theology (Paley), 441
Natural Theology; Or, Evidence of
the Existence and Attributes of
the Deity, Collected from the
Appearance of Nature (Paley),
200, 201, 210–211, 382
Natura naturans, God as, 137
Nature, 605–607
Anglican views of, 120
animism and, 94, 606, 805
Aristotle’s four operative causes
in, 28, 92, 601–602, 780,
Augustine and, 123
beauty in order of, 56, 646
Buddhist coexistence with, 78,
82, 85
Calvin’s view of, 136, 248–249,
250, 906
causation theories and, 92–93
chaos versus order in, 98–99
Christian views of, 64–65,
123–124, 125, 186, 209, 234,
complexity of, 157, 158, 213, 741
cultural origins and, 193
Daoist view of, 110, 184
Darwin’s studies of, 200–201
deep ecology and, 205–206
design argument and, 877
divine action and, 222–223, 606
divine distinguished from, 606
divine immanence and, 126, 250,
451, 744, 750
divinity and, 378
double aspect theory of, 570
ecofeminism and, 233–234, 324,
326–327, 328
ecological ethics and, 606
ecotheology and, 247–250, 769
emergence in, 257, 258–259
evangelical Christian views of,
evolutionary ethics and, 285–286,
fall and, 321–322, 750
female personification of, 324
feminisms and, 324–326, 328, 762
first and second order causality
and, 91
God’s role in, 209, 379, 382, 509,
606, 621, 622, 642, 645–646,
650, 764
Hindu belief and, 396, 405
historical overview of concepts
of, 605–606
human dominion rights over,
10–19, 247–248, 299, 606, 750
human interpretation of, 393
human manipulation of, 365,
human partnership with, 250
human place in, 435–436, 437,
450, 468
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