anti–atomism arguments of, 42
Arabic translation of, 472
Averroës commentary on, 47, 48,
124, 474, 490, 650, 788
Avicenna and, 48, 50
background of, 27
on beauty, 56
biology theory and, 27, 780
causation theory of, 27, 28, 92,
169, 209–210, 254, 383, 522,
562, 572, 591, 601, 602,
749–750, 780, 822, 876–877
chaos interpretation by, 98
Christian thought and, 25–29,
124, 128, 137, 142, 178, 179,
186, 254, 321, 519, 539, 562,
599, 601, 650, 657, 681, 749,
760, 765, 819, 821–822, 826,
883, 890–892
cosmological argument and, 169
cosmology of, 27, 28, 124, 170,
178, 179, 180, 181, 299, 316,
317, 371, 447, 488, 492, 536,
591, 665, 749–750, 821–822,
846, 891–892
economic theory and, 244
embodiment and, 254
eternal world argument of, 264,
final cause and. See subhead
teleology below
final value and, 914
as first philosopher of science,
formal causes and, 92, 209–210,
four causes theory of, 28, 92,
601–602, 780, 876–877
on freedom of human will, 335,
Galileo’s findings versus, 180,
181, 760
geometric and arithmetic objects
and, 374
Great Chain of Being and, 577
humanist challenge to, 427
on human rationality, 437, 699
on imagination, 447
on infinity, 453
Islamic scientific thought and,
478, 650, 749, 883
Jewish scientific thought and,
26–27, 28, 478, 479, 488, 489,
492, 536
logical determinism and, 217
materialism and, 539, 567
metaphor and, 559
mind–body dualism and, 567,
motion theory of, 665, 821–822,
natural theology and, 601, 602,
nature’s self–organization and,
Plato and, 27, 237, 679, 681
as pluralist, 683
scientific contributions of, 780
semiotics foundations and, 801,
soul concept of, 818, 819, 820
teleology and, 26, 28, 92, 170,
209, 562, 602, 606, 681,
749–750, 876–877
Thomas Aquinas commentaries
on, 890–892
on time, 896, 897
Unmoved Mover of, 27, 28, 169,
210, 254, 591, 601, 822
on vacuum, 28, 658, 892
definition of, 543
limitations of, 546
See also Computation;
Mathematics; Numbers
Arkansas creationist law, 386
Armageddon (film), 265
Arnhart, Larry, 286
Arnobius, 539
Arnold, Kenneth, 909
Arrow of time, 266, 893–895
Ars Magna (Lully), 7
ART. See Reproductive technology
aesthetics and, 4
beauty and, 56
consciousness studies and, 158,
definitions of, 29–30
idealized body and, 255
Islamic view of, 56, 375, 465, 871
postmodernism and, 690
Art, origins of, 29–32
Buddhism and, 82, 84
geometric design and, 375
Hinduism and, 409
human evolution and, 298
religious prohibitions and, 56,
395, 477, 744, 871
sources of, 30–31
symbolic expression and, 504,
Art and the Brain (Goguen), 161
Artemisinin, 111
Artifical reproduction. See
Reproductive technology
Artificial intelligence, 32–36, 890
artificial life and, 36, 37
cognitivist paradigm and, 160
consciousness and, 160, 161
cybernetics and, 196, 197, 740
cyborg and, 197, 740
embodied. See subhead robotics
evolutionary algorithms and, 282
feminist theology and, 328
functional, 33–34
Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
and, 380
millennial dreams and, 566
neuron and neural network
modeling and, 161
playing God and, 740
psychology and, 707
relational, 34–35
robotics and, 32, 34, 35, 37, 160,
739, 740
as science fiction theme, 35, 777
self–organization and, 798
symbolic, 32–33
Turing Test of, 34–35, 890,
Artificial life, 36–39, 523
cellular automata and, 36, 46,
cybernetics and, 196, 197
ethical debates about, 867
evolutionary algorithms and,
millennial dreams and, 566
Artistic creation. See Aesthetics; Art
Aruni, 402
Vryabhata I, 407
Aryans (people), 399
ASA. See American Scientific
Affiliation; American
Sociological Association
Asanga, 77
AS cells, 841, 842
Ashbrook, John, 617
Ashby, W. Ross, 153, 196, 797
Ashrites (Islam), 562
Asian Lutheran churches, 127
Asian religions. See Buddhism;
Chinese religions; Hinduism;
Asimov, Isaac, 35, 318, 739, 777,
778, 779
Asoka, King (Mauryan empire), 83
Aspect, Alain, 269, 413
Assayer, The (Galileo), 658
Assemblies of God, 734
Assisted reproduction. See
Reproductive technology
Associationalism, 541
Association for the Scientific Study
of Consciousness, 158
Association for the Sociology of
Religion, 817
Association of Professional
Chaplains, 555
Association of Vineyard Churches,
Astounding Science Fiction, Science
Wonder Stories (Campbell),
Astrobiology. See Exobiology
Astrolabe, 788
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