chaos and, 99
Christology and, 144–145
cultural evolution of, 288
embodiment and, 254
end–time beliefs and, 262–263,
eschatology and, 269
evil and suffering and, 276,
278–279, 881
faith and, 319–321
final value in, 914
freedom and, 335–336, 898–899
God and, 378, 379, 381, 500
Holy Spirit and, 415–416, 684
hope and, 416–418
humanism, 427, 428
imago dei doctrine of, 449–450,
741, 812
incarnation and, 450, 451
kenosis and, 500–502
liberation theology and, 513, 514,
516, 517
metaphysics and, 561
millennialism and, 563
monotheism and, 378, 583
mysticism, 585–588, 590
omniscience and, 898
paradigms of, 648
philosophy of religion and, 649
providence and, 704
redemption doctrine of, 747
religious experience and, 308,
religious narrative and, 725
resurrection belief of, 44, 205,
254, 269, 379, 436, 518–519,
ritual and, 739
sabbatical millennium and, 564
sacrament and, 451
selfless love valuation in, 8, 119,
336, 369, 914
seven deadly sins in, 805
soul beliefs and, 818–820
special providence and, 825
spirit/soul/body concept in, 826,
spirituality meanings in, 829, 830
supernaturalism and, 846–848
symmetry of cross symbol of, 853
term theology and, 882–883
theodicy and, 881
theology and, 882–887
Two Books metaphor, 322, 621,
622, 789, 905–908
ultimate and, 915
See also Protestantism;
Reformation; listings below
Christianity, Anglican, issues in
science and religion, 119–121
biocultural evolutionary theory
and, 290
Darwin and, 200, 202
Darwinian evolution and, 301,
humanism and, 428
Lutheran theology and, 128
Newton and, 120, 620
reproductive technology and,
273, 734
stem cell research and, 842
Christianity, evangelical, issues in
science and religion, 121–123
apologetics and, 26
cosmology and, 178–183
creation science and, 189, 303
early versus later views of,
embryonic stem cell research
and, 842
evolution and, 279–280, 303,
fundamentalism and, 122, 162,
345–347, 428, 885
millennialism and, 564
Pentacostalists and, 132
periodical literature and, 766–767
reproductive technology and,
273, 734
Scopes Trial and, 785–786
O as existence of God proof
and, 172
Two Book metaphor and, 907
Christianity, history of science and
religion, 123–127, 749–754
abortion perspectives and, 2–3
animal rights and, 11–12
Anthropic Principle and, 173–174
anthropocentrism and, 11–12, 19
apologetics and, 25–26
Aristotelianism and, 25–29, 124,
128, 137, 142, 178, 179, 186,
254, 321, 519, 539, 562, 599,
601, 650, 657, 681, 749, 760,
765, 819, 821–822, 826, 883,
atomism and, 539
Augustine and, 43–45, 44–45
compatibilism and, 126
conflict model and, 760–761
cosmological argument and, 169,
179, 180, 181
cosmology and, 178–182,
821–822, 896–897
creatio continua and, 171, 425
creatio ex nihilo and, 171, 173,
175, 184, 186, 187, 602, 821,
creationism and, 187–190
cyclical versus linear time
concept and, 821–822
Darwin and, 201–202, 289
death perspectives and, 203–204,
design argument and, 209–210
divine action and, 218–223, 562
dualism and, 159, 519, 568, 830
ecological complaint against,
ecology and, 234, 419
ecotheology and, 241, 247–251
embodiment and, 254–255
ethnicity and, 271–272
evolution theory and, 202,
279–280, 290, 300, 301–306,
extraterrestrial life concept and,
feminist theology and, 327, 328
five major paradigms of, 648
freedom and, 336–337, 898–899
Genesis creation interpretation
and, 355–356, 411
hermeneutics and, 394
historical criticism and, 411–412
independence model, 757,
Islamic thought and, 124, 883
materialism and, 541
medical care and, 552–553
metaphysics and, 562
since mid–nineteenth century,
natural philosophy and, 601
natural theology and, 601–605
nature concepts and, 64–65
neo–Platonism and, 124–125,
230, 398, 437, 544, 650, 681,
819, 882
periodical literature, 766–768
philosophy of science and,
pre–Renaissance thought and,
123–124., See also Middle Ages
progress concept and, 702, 703
religious theory and, 725–730
research studies, 768–773
sacraments and, 743–745
correspondence and, 411
science fiction and, 778
scientific revolution and,
124–125, 681, 768
scriptural interpretation and,
self and, 793–794
seven deadly sins and, 6
sin concepts, 805, 806
sociobiological interpretation
and, 810, 811–813
sociology and, 187, 815, 816
soul concept and, 568, 793
stem cell research and, 842
technology and, 870, 871,
Teilhard de Chardin and,
873–876, 878
teleological outlook and,
— 957—