One of the main areas in which the experience of the specialist is valuable is in selection of the
optimum grade and heat treatment to secure maximum tool life and metal removal rate for each
particular application. Inadequate toughness will lead to fracture of the tool, giving a short and
erratic tool life. The other factors controlling tool life with high speed steel are now considered.
For satisfactory performance, the shape of the cutting tool edge must be accurately controlled
and is much more critical in some applications than in others. (While the following discussions
seem to be directed at the grinding and honing needed for high speed steels, they are also rele-
vant for the precise sintering operations and edge preparations needed for carbide and ceramic
tools.) Much skill is required to evolve and specify the optimum tool geometry for many opera-
tions, to grind the tools to the necessary accuracy, and to inspect the tools before use. This is not
merely a question of measuring angles and profiles on a macro-scale, but also of inspecting and
controlling the shape of the edge on a very fine scale, within a few tenths of a millimeter of the
edge, involving such features as burrs, chips or rounding of the edge.
In almost all industrial machining operations, the action of cutting gradually changes the shape
of the tool edge so that in time the tool ceases to cut efficiently, or fails completely. The criterion
for the end of tool life is very varied - the tool may be reground or replaced when it fails and
ceases to cut; when the temperature begins to rise and fumes are generated; when the operation
becomes excessively noisy or vibration becomes severe; when dimensions or surface finish of
the workpiece change or when the tool shape has changed by some specified amount. Often the
skill of the operator is required to detect symptoms of the end of tool life, to avoid the damage to
the part being machined, caused by total tool failure (see diagrams at end of Chapter 3).
The change of shape of the tool edge is very small and can rarely be observed adequately with
the naked eye. A binocular microscope with a magnification of at least
× 30 is needed even for
preliminary diagnosis of the character of tool wear in most cases. The worn surfaces of tools are
usually covered by layers of the work material which partially or completely conceal them. To
study the wear of high speed tools it has been necessary to prepare metallographic sections
through the worn surfaces, usually either normal to the cutting edge or parallel with the rake
face. The details which reveal the character of the wear process are at the worn surface or the
interface between tool and adhering work material, and the essential features are obscured by
rounding of the edge of the polished section unless special metallographic methods are adopted.
Sections shown here were mostly prepared by:
(1) Mounting the tool in a cold setting resin in vacuum.
(2) Carefully grinding the tool to the required section, using much coolant.
(3) Lapping on metal plates with diamond dust.
(4) Polishing on a vibratory polishing machine using a nylon cloth with one micron diamond
Observations have shown that the shape of the tool edge may be changed by plastic deforma-
tion as well as by wear. The distinction is that a wear process always involves some loss of mate-
rial from the tool surface, though it may also include plastic deformation locally, so that there is
no sharp line separating the two. The use of the term wear is, in the minds of many people, syn-