•Dr. A. Bagchi, Dr. A.J. Holzer, Dr. D.A. Bourne, Dr. C.C. Hayes, Dr. R.S. Rao, Dr. J.G. Chow,
Dr. S. C. Y. Lu, Dr. D.W. Yen, Dr. C. King, Mr. H. Kulluk, the late Dr. J.L. Swedlow, Dr. M.R.
Cutkosky and Dr. F. B. Prinz (both now at Stanford), Professor S. Finger, Professor M.
Nagurka, Professor P. Khosla, Dr. L. Weiss, Professor R. Sturges, Professor W. Sirignano and
Professor R. Reddy, from the research carried out at Carnegie Mellon University;
•Professor J.T. Schwartz, Professor K. Perlin, Mr. F.B. Hansen, Mr. L. Pavlakos, Dr. J. Hong, Dr.
X. Tan and Mr. I. Greenfeld of the Courant Institute at New York University;
•Professor B.F. von Turkovich at the University of Vermont; Professors R. Komanduri and J.
Mize, now at Oklahoma State University; Professor M.C. Shaw, at Arizona State University;
Dr. O. Richmond, Dr. M. Devenpeck and Dr. E. Appleby at Alcoa Research Laboratories; Pro-
fessor J.T. Black at Auburn University; Professor S. Kalpakjian at the Illinois Institute of
Technology; Professor H. Voelcker at Cornell University; Professor F. Ling at the University
of Texas, Austin; Professors N.P. Suh and D. Hardt at M.I.T.; Professors T. Kurfess, S. Liang,
S. Melkote and J. Colton at Georgia Tech.; Professors S.K. Gupta and D. Nau at the University
of Maryland; Professor W. Regli at Drexel; Professor S. Ramalingam at Minnesota; Dr. R.
Woods at Kaiser Aluminum; Professor D. Williams at Loughborough University, England;
Professor Nabil Gindy, Dr. T. Ratchev and colleagues at Nottingham University; Professor M.
Elbestawi and his group at McMaster University; Professor Y. Altintas at the University of
British Columbia; Professors Y. Koren, G. Ulsoy and J. Stein at the University of Michigan;
Professors K. Weinmann and J. Sutherland at Michigan Technological University; Professor
K.P. Rajurkar at the University of Nebraska; Professor J. Tlusty at the University of Florida;
Professors A. Lavine and D. Wang at UCLA; Professors I. Jawahir, A. T. Male and O. Dillon
at the University of Kentucky; Professor Tony Woo at the University of Washington; Profes-
sor S. Settles now at the University of Southern California; Professor W. DeVries at Iowa State
University; Professors M. DeVries and R. Gadh at the University of Wisconsin; and the many
colleagues at Berkeley, Illinois, M.I.T., Boeing and Ford/Visteon mentioned in the Preface.
The resources of the University of California, Berkeley are acknowledged and thanks are due
to Professor David Hodges, Professor Paul Gray, Professor Dan Mote, Professor David Bogy,
Professor Robert Cole, Professor Shankar Sastry and Professor Robert Brodersen for their col-
laborations and support.
Professors Erich Thomsen, Joseph Frisch and the late Shiro Kobayashi were the founders of
manufacturing related research at Berkeley and we thank them for their support and interest in
this work.
For their detailed assistance in the preparation of this edition we thank Bonita Korpi, William
Chui, Eric Mellers and Zachary Katz. Thanks are also due to V. Sundararajan, C. Smith, G. Sun,
S. Roundy, J. Kim, J. Brock, J. Plancarte, R. Inouye, D. Chapman, R. Hillaire, K. Urabe, N. An,
M. McKenzie, L. Marchetti, J. Smith and S. McMains.
The authors wish to thank the following organizations for permission to reproduce the illustra-
tions listed.
•The Metals Society - Figures 3.7, 3.9, 3.11, 3.22, 5.11, 5.12, 5.14, 6.6, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14,
6.15, 6.21, 6.22, 6.26, 7.9, 7.15, 7.17, 7.20, 7.24, 7.32, 9.2, 9.9b, 9.18, 9.27, 9.33, 9.36, 9.43,
10.11, 10.12, 10.15, 10.17.
•International Journal for Production Research - Figures 5.13 to 5.18 , 9.37, 9.38, 9.39.