Shear plane, 22, 426
definition, 27
force on, 58
heat generated on, 98
stress on, 58-62
Shear plane angle, definition, 27, 426
measurement, 26
relation to chip thickness, 27, 60
relation to shear strain, 28, 72
relation to tool forces, 58-62
Shear strain, 27
in built-up edge, 43
in cratering, 150-154
in flow-zone, 92, 105
in relation to shear plane angle, 28, 99, 352
Shear stress on tool, 62, 79
Shear yield strength, 59
Shearing force, 58, 92-96, 341
, see Silicon nitride
Sialon, 231
Silicates, effect on machinability of steel, 308,
Silicon, in aluminum alloys, 255
Silicon carbide whiskers, 230
Silicon nitride, 231
Skiving, 19
Sliding wear, conditions, 161
occurrence at tool/work interface, 161
Slip-stick action in cutting of steel, 352-365
Solid phase welding, 38, 95
Spear Mermaid, 133
Specific gravity of cemented carbides, 180
Speed of cutting, 210, 339-369
and temperature, 271
Spheroidal graphite irons, 294-296
Spheroidized steel, structure of, 273
Spray deposition, 168
Steel, de-oxidation, 415
free-machining, 293
heat treatment, 271
high-speed cutting, 339, 369
properties, 271
structure and composition, 279
machinability of, 270-290, 339
need for coolants in machining, 315-338
non free-cutting, 271
self-hardening, 132-134
turning speeds for, 308
use for cutting, 175-180
Steel cutting grades of carbide,
advantages, 283
hardness and compressive strength, 207
properties of, 205
Strain, 28, 343
compressive, 352
distribution, 105, 352-356
in flow-zone, 105
proof, 146
on shear plane, 27-28
Strain rate, 28, 343
Stresses on tools, 57-62, 80-95, 403
Sulphur, in free-cutting steels, 287
Super Hydra, 133
Surface damage, 49-54
Surface finish, 47, 330, 379, 399
Syndite, 236
TaC, 205
Tantalum carbide, 202
Tapping, cutting fluid for, 313
Taylor equation, 164, 373
Taylor tool-life curves, 165, 373
Tellurium, in free-cutting steels, 278
TEM, see Transmission electron microscopy , 233
Temperature, of body of chip, 98-100, 402
changes in chip formation, 102
contours, 118-129, 247, 248, 251
and cutting speed, 270-272
distribution, in tools, 121-130, 251-309, 317-
measurement, 114
effects of, 97, 161-162
generated during cutting of nickel, 319
gradients in tools, when cutting titanium alloys,
heat flowing from flow-zone, 105
interface, 102
measurement of, 114-130
Terminology, 1, 9, 50-54
Tests, fracture toughness, 147
tranverse rupture, 147
Thermal conductivity, 243
Thermal fatigue, 343
Thermal infinite element, 392
Thermocouple, tool/work, 114