tially contaminated by oxide films and sometimes by lubricants, but the flow of clean metal
across the tool surface is unidirectional and often continues for long periods. Contaminants are
swept away much more effectively than in processes such as forming, forging or rolling. Thus,
in metal cutting, conditions are especially favorable for metallic bonding at the tool/work inter-
face, and the observed bonding should have been predicted.
It is evidence of this character that has demonstrated the mechanically-interlocked and/or
metallic-bonded character of the tool-work interface as a normal feature of metal cutting.
Under these conditions the movement of the work material over the tool surface cannot be
adequately described using the terms ‘sliding’ and ‘friction’ as these are commonly understood.
Coefficient of friction is not an appropriate concept for dealing with the relationship between
forces in metal cutting for two reasons:
(1) There can be no simple relationship between the forces normal to and parallel to the tool sur-
(2) The force parallel to the tool surface is not independent of the area of contact, but on the con-
trary, the area of contact between tool and work material is a very important parameter in
metal cutting.
The condition where the two surfaces are interlocked or bonded is referred to here as condi-
tions of seizure as opposed to conditions of sliding at the interface.
The generalization concerning seizure at the tool/work interface having been stated must now
be qualified. The enormous variety of cutting conditions encountered in industrial practice has
been discussed and there are some situations where there is sliding contact at the tool surface. It
has been demonstrated at very low cutting speed (a few centimeters per minute) and at these
speeds sliding is promoted by the use of active lubricants. Sliding at the interface occurs, for
example, near the center of a drill where the action of cutting becomes more of a forming opera-
tion. Even under seizure conditions, it must be rare for the whole of the area of contact between
tool and work surfaces to be seized together. This is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 3.17
for a lathe cutting tool. Compare the sketch on the right with Figure 3.1. Examination of used
tools provides positive evidence of seizure on the tool rake face close to the cutting edge, OEBF
in Figure 3.17, the length OB being considerably greater than the feed. Beyond the edge of this
area there is frequently a region where visual evidence suggests that contact is intermittent,
´FO in Figure 3.17. On the worn flank surface, OG, it is uncertain to what extent seizure is
continuous and complete, but Figures 3.7, 3.10 and 3.11 show the sort of evidence demonstrat-
ing that seizure occurs on the flank surface also, particularly close to the edge.
Much more research is required into the character of the interface, and into movement within a
region a small number of atom spacings from the interface under a variety of cutting conditions.
Work by Doyle, Horne, Tabor and Wright
using sapphire tools has demonstrated that sliding
at the interface may sometimes occur during cutting. Movement at the interface was reported to
have been observed through transparent tools and recorded using high speed cinematography.
concluded that sliding occurs when the interfacial bond is weak - particularly when soft
metals such as lead are cut with sapphire tools, or where tools contaminated with a few molecu-
lar layers of organic substances are used for short time cutting. Conditions of seizure are encour-
aged by high cutting speed and long cutting time where difference in hardness between tool and
work material is relatively small and bond strength between them is high.