Because of the high temperatures required for the CVD process, tools must be hardened and
tempered after coating and special precautions taken to preserve the very thin coating intact. A
vacuum heat treatment system is usually employed for the high temperature hardening. This
may alter the precise shape of tools, particularly ones of large size and complex shape, and cor-
rection cannot be made without removing the coating.
To avoid this type of problem a PVD process is usually employed for coating of high speed
steel. This also is carried out in sealed vessels at reduced gas pressure, but at temperatures in the
range 400-600°C. Lower temperatures are possible because the coating atoms are ionized and
attracted to the tool surfaces which are at a negative potential, these surfaces having first been
cleaned by bombardment (sputtering) with ions of a neutral gas. Because of the lower tempera-
tures of PVD coating, complete heat treatment of high speed steel tools can be carried out by
normal methods before coating. PVD seems likely to be the main process used for coating high
speed steel (Figures 6.29 and 6.30).
Titanium carbide (TiC) and nitride (TiN), hafnium nitride (HfN) and alumina have been pro-
posed as coatings and, of these, TiN has probably the most to commend it. TiN is a cubic com-
pound, isomorphous with the better known TiC. It is not as hard as TiC, measured by indentation
hardness test, but is its equal or superior in terms of wear resistance in many cutting operations.
The bright gold color of TiN has the advantage of allowing coated tools to be easily identified.
TiC-coated tools cannot readily be distinguished from uncoated tools.
Both laboratory tests and machine shop experience demonstrate considerable advantages for
TiN-coated high speed steel tools when machining cast iron and most types of steel. Cutting
forces when using coated tools are lower than with uncoated tools on the same operation.
This is related to a corresponding reduction of contact area on the rake face of the tool. This may
be an advantage, for example, in reducing the incidence of fracture in twist drills and facilitating
swift removal. The rate of wear may be reduced by several orders of magnitude. Improvements
in tool life have been reported of from 2 to 100 times in different operations.
When using coated tools the design of the cutting edge may be modified for further improve-
ment in tool life or rate of metal removal. At present the most commonly coated steel tools are
twist drills. Efficient use of coated drills requires reshaping without great loss in tool life. In
regrinding drills the coating is removed from the clearance faces but retained in the flutes. Expe-
rience indicates that even after regrinding most of the advantage of the coating is retained.
There is evidence that, when cutting steel at relatively low speed, the built-up edge is either
absent or is very much smaller with TiN coated tools. Another advantage claimed for coated
tools is that the surface finish may be greatly improved by elimination of the built-up edge. Lab-
oratory tests have demonstrated that, during high speed cutting of steel, seizure occurs even
between coated tools and the work material. The flow-zone at the interface is still the heat source
and there is usually only a small reduction of the maximum temperature at the interface. When
the high speed steel beneath the coating is heated to high temperature, its strength is greatly
reduced, it is plastically deformed and the coating is broken up. Figure 6.30 illustrates the break-
up of a coating where the substrate had been deformed - the adhesion of lengths of the coating in
spite of very severe deformation of the steel demonstrates the very strong adhesion of a CVD
coating. The coating can resist wear at very high cutting speeds but the use of high speed steel as
a substrate always limits the use of these tools when cutting steel. A speed increase of 25-50%
over that of uncoated tools is typical.