A major objective of this chapter is to explain the role of heat in limiting the rate of metal
removal when cutting the higher melting point metals. In Chapter 4, experimental evidence is
given demonstrating that the forces acting on the tool decrease, rather than increase, as the cut-
ting speed is raised, and there is no reason to think that the stresses on the tool increase with cut-
ting speed (unless the chip-tool contact area becomes considerably smaller, and even then, the
evidence indicates that forces continue to fall with increasing speed).
Temperatures at the tool/work interface do, however, increase with cutting speed and it is this
rise in temperature which sets the ultimate limit to the practical cutting speed for higher melting
point metals and their alloys. The most important heat source responsible for raising the temper-
ature of the tool has been identified as the flow-zone where the chip is seized to the rake face of
the tool. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the very thin flow-zone is a
small fraction of the total energy expended in cutting, and the volume of metal heated in the
flow-zone may vary considerably. Therefore, there is no direct relationship between cutting
forces or power consumption and the temperature near the cutting edge.
Very high temperatures at the tool/work interface have been demonstrated. The existence of
temperatures over 1000
C at the interface is not obvious to the observer of the machining pro-
cess, since the high temperature regions are completely concealed, and it is rare to see any part
of the tool even glowing red. The thermal assault on the rolls and dies used in the hot working of
steel appears much more severe, but the tool materials used for these processes are quite inade-
quate for metal cutting. The cutting of steel in particular has stimulated development of the most
advanced tool materials because it subjects the critical cutting edge of the tools to the high
stresses which characterize cold-working operations, such as cold forming or wire drawing, and
simultaneously to the high temperatures imposed by hot-working processes.
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