other metal working operations, and observed in the built-up edge in metal cutting. It is a body
of metal maintaining its integrity for the duration of a cutting operation. High speed metal cut-
ting is a very effective method of trapping a thermoplastic shear band at the tool surface. Many
of the essential features of metal cutting depend on the way each work material behaves in such
shear bands. Little is known of the behavior of metals and alloys and their constituent phases
under these conditions, but high speed metal cutting provides a simple and very effective mech-
anism which can be used to study the influence of changes in composition and structure of met-
als and alloys when deformed in plastic instabilities of this type.
From the analysis based on the model in Figure 5.5 an increase in temperature in the material
in the flow-zone as it moves away from the cutting edge can be predicted. The temperature
increase depends on the amount of work done and on the quantity of metal passing through the
flow-zone. The thickness of the flow-zone provides some measure of the latter, and the thinner
the flow-zone the higher the temperature would be for the same amount of work done.
The thickness varies considerably with the material being cut from more than 100 μm (0.004
in) to less than 12 μm (0.0005 in). It tends to be thicker at low speeds, but does not vary greatly
with the feed. In general the flow-zone is very thin compared with the body of the chip - com-
monly of the order of 5% of the chip thickness. Since the work done at the tool rake face is fre-
quently about 20% of the work done on the shear plane, much higher temperatures are found in
the flow-zone than in the chip body, particularly at high cutting speed. There is very little knowl-
edge at present of the influence of factors such as work material, tool geometry, or tool material
on the flow-zone thickness, and this is an area in which research is required.
The temperature in the flow-zone is also influenced by heat loss through conduction. The heat
is generated in a very thin layer of metal which has a large area of metallic contact both with the
body of the chip and with the tool. Since the temperature is higher than that of the chip body,
particularly in the region well back from the cutting edge, the maximum temperature in the flow-
zone is reduced by heat loss into the chip. After the chip leaves the tool surface, that part of the
flow-zone which passes off on the under surface of the chip, cools very rapidly to the tempera-
ture of the chip body, since cooling by metallic conduction is very efficient. The increase in tem-
perature of the chip body due to heat from the flow-zone is slight because of the relatively large
volume of the chip body.
The conditions of loss of heat from the flow-zone into the tool are different from those at the
flow-zone/chip body interface because heat flows continuously into the same small volume of
tool material. It has been demonstrated (Chapter 3) that the bond at this interface is often com-
pletely metallic in character, and where this is true, the tool will be effectively at the same tem-
perature as the flow-zone material at the surface of contact. The tool acts as a heat sink into
which heat flows from the flow-zone and a stable temperature gradient is built up within the
tool. The amount of heat lost from the flow-zone into the tool depends on the thermal conductiv-
ity of the tool, the tool shape, and any cooling method used to lower its temperature.
The heat flowing into the tool from the flow-zone raises its temperature and this is the most
important factor limiting the rate of metal removal when cutting the higher melting point metals.