52 Modelling Methods
Considering a steady, planar, turbulent flame brush, they integrate the transport
equation for the variance of c [the first of Eqs. (2.3)] through the brush and show
depends on the sign of
I =
dx. (2.23)
If the peak in the conditional mean dilatation
occurs at a large value
of c, I > 0 and counter-gradient transport is favoured, but gradient transport is
indicated in situations in which the peak dilatation comes at smaller values of c.
They conclude that, unlike methane–air flames, counter-gradient transport will not
occur in stationary planar hydrogen–air flames with equivalence ratios greater than
about 0.5. However, in a more recent work, Chen et al. [50] s how that mean flow
divergence can modify this picture in such a way that either gradient or counter-
gradient transport can occur when I > 0.
Chakraborty and Cant [12] use DNS of planar turbulent flame brushes to explore
the influence of Lewis number Le =
ρD on scalar turbulent transport. The small-
Lewis-number flames are found to be much more strongly wrinkled and propagate
more quickly. They show that, under the same initial conditions of turbulence, flames
with Le < 1 exhibit counter-gradient transport, whereas flames with Le > 1 tend to
have gradient transport. The efficiency factor α in Eq. (2.22) is evaluated and found
to increase as Le decreases, and they conclude that the criterion of Veynante et al.
cannot correlate their data. Chakraborty and Cant [12] then test a wide range of
models to close the scalar flux transport equation and develop new closures including
Lewis number effects.
It is important to note that most of the experimental and DNS data that were used
to investigate scalar transport and to assess the criterion of Veynante et al. [1] involve
planar turbulent flame brushes in which Reynolds shear stresses are absent. A model
calculation by Masuya and Libby [51], representing a V-flame highly constrained
within a duct, indicates the presence of a mean scalar flux along the flame brush,
a direction in which the mean progress-variable gradient is zero. The existence
of this non-gradient transport is not predicted by inequality in Eq. (2.22). Also,
experimental data [42, 52] and DNS calculations [20] in more complex flow fields
sometimes show that the various components of the scalar flux at a given location
involve a combination of gradient and counter-gradient transport. The transition
between these two types of transport process in complex flows deserves further
Most LESs of premixed turbulent combustion assume a gradient expression for
subgrid scalar transport. However, Tullis and Cant [53], using filtered DNS data,
show that regions of both gradient and counter-gradient transport can frequently
occur within the same simulation; LES closures were proposed [53] to address this
2.1.4 Laminar Flamelets
ohler [54] proposed that a premixed flame in turbulence of sufficiently low in-
tensity and large scales can be viewed as a wrinkled laminar flame of increased
surface area per unit streamtube area, leading to a turbulent burning velocity